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Among The Churches

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Ascensión day services were held at 8t. Andrew's, St. Thomas' and fhe German chuachee. The forty-hour devotion will begin at St. Thomas' church next Sunday mornini.', at 10 o'clock. Bishop Keane, rector of the new Roman Catholic University at Washington, will lecture at University Hall, Friday evening at eiaht o'clock. His subject is "The American of the Future." Services will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday evening, in memory of the late Prof. Wlnehell. Professors Carhart, Walter and Harrington, Dr. Breakey, .1. E. Beal and others will speak. The Every Day Workers'circle of the KiDg's Daughters of the First Baptist church will give a pie social in the church parlors next Friday evening, May 8, from 7:;0 to 10 o'clock. They will also have kitchen towels for sale. The admission price is ten cents. Bishop C. D. Foss delivered an eloquent, simple aud cogent discourse at the Methodist church, Sunday evening, in answer to the question, "Who was Jesus?" His line of reasoning was designed to prove that Christ was not only a ruarvelous man, bat divine as well. The Young People's society of the Baptist church have provided a rich treat in securing thecelebrated preacher and lecturer, Rev. Dr. Henson, of Chicago, to deliver their annual address on Monday evening, May 11. Dr. Henson's address before the S. C. A. several years ago is still spoken of with enthu8iasm. Maiitist Chaveta. Rev. A. S. Carman, Pastor. Su.nday - Preachiin; at 10:30 a. u. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 12,'m. Young people's meeting, (i :30 p.m. Wxdnisday -General prayer meeting. fastor at home, 71 E. Wasbington-st, Saturday afternoons, from :! to 5:30. 'oiiBÉre'ioiinl C'Iiarcli. Rev. J. W. Bhadskaw, Pastor. day - Preaching at 10:30 a. u, and 7::!l) p. M. Sunday school, 12:00 m. Wednssuay,7:30i'.m. - Prayer meeting. Friday, 3:00 p. m.- Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society. Hixcilil' ■■"" ('hurrli. Social meetings will be held in the parlors of the new church on South University-ave, at 10:30 a. m., eyery Lord's day, until the building is entirely completed and dedicated. ginu Kvniieelicnl Bellilclifiii Clutreli. Rev. Joun Neumann, Pastor. BülIDAY, 10:30 a. M. and 7:30 t. i.- Regalar services. ■mum I.llllicrau Zlon'a (Imi-cll REV. Max HEiN.'Pastor. Sünday- 10:30 a. M. and 7:30 i. m.- Regular services. Sunday school at 12 M. Qernum Methodist Eiconl l'liiirch. Kev. Andrew Kp.i'xlino, Pastor. scnday - Sunday school, 9:30 . m. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and:30 p. m. Vednesday,7:3( r.M.- Prayer meeting. Mollioillsl Euiscnwnl Churrli. Ukv. K. II. Rrs-r, 1). I)„ Pastor. Sunday - Preaching at 10:30 a. m. At 7:30 i". m , Memorial service in honor of the late Dr. Winchell. Young people's meeting, 0:30 p. te. A cordial welcome to all. PreabïteriHii Cliurcli. Rev. J. II. tiELSTON, Pastor. Sunday - Preaching at 10:30 a. m. At 7:30 annual address before the Young People's Association. Subject: "Young People as Thinkers." Sunday school at 12 m. Wfdnesday, 7:30 v. m.- Prayer meetinsr. Ladies' F.M. Society every BecondFriday of each nionih. Ladies' H. M. Society every fourth Fridav in each montn. m. Andrew's Clinrch. Rev. Heney Tatiock, Rector. Rev. W. Watees. Assistaut. Si nba y- 8:00 a. m. Holy communion. 10:30 a. m., morning service and sermon. 12 m. Sunday school and Prof. Scott's Bible class. :'. r., K. Evening service and sermón at Geddes, Sunday school at Fosters. Kvenlng service and sermón at 7:30 P. M. Wkdnísday, 7:30 r.M.- Evening prayer. Friday4:00 p. k.- Litany. I nllarlnu ClinrcU. Ken. J. T. Sinderland, Pastor. Sunday- Morniug service, 10:30 a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Students' Bible Class at 12 m. Keading room open afternoon and evening. No evening service. Mr. Sunderland preaches in Ypsilanli. tlniiiii U. I.. Cbarch. Rev. A. Cottman, Pastor. Su.süAY- Preaching at 10:30 A. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school. 2:00 P. m. A cordial invitation is extended toall.


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