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Human l.líc A Hule wondering whal to do. A htrain lo reacn thethings above us: Much misery, a laugh or two, Then death, and ters for those who love ut. For 4iit FITOy Years Mn. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup hasbeeu used for children teething. It sootlies the child, softens the guma, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy forDiarrhcea. Twenty-live cents a bottfe. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 0 I.ove Swift. A yoang man In Hannibal, Mo., lias made tbree altempti within a week, while on the street, to break away from a sweetheart for whom bis love has grown torpld, and in the iprinting matches she lias ron hiin down each tinje. Catar rb iu Colorado. I ueed Ely's Cream Halm for dry en tarrh. Il proved a cure.- 15. F. M. Weeks, Denver. Ely's Cream Balra s especially adapted as a remedy for catarrh wbich is aggr.ivated by alkaline dust and dry Inda. - W. A. llover, DruggUt, Denver. I can recominend Ely's Crea'ii Balín to all suflerers from dry catarrh from personal experience. - Michael Herr, Pharmacist, Denver. Ely's Cream Balm has cured many cases of catarrh It is in constant demand.- Geo W. Hoyt, Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wv. - ftomc I rutli In Tlilïhis is the Italian view of the powcrs of thegovernmentof the United 8taes under the constitution : " We have nothing to do with your constitution. If it is found wanting you must inenil i.. You know that it is no constitution worthy of a free, civilized country if it does ïiot insure punishment for crime aml protection for the waak." A Man Thrniouieer. Lean men make the best thermometers. Fahrenheit never invented better one.u. If the wealher is warm and sunny, they are cheerful. If cold and írosty, they aru irritable and snappy. If damp and cloudy, they are downcast and glouüiy. But if eitlier lean or fat men ;uu sanering from biliousness, headache, consiipation, or indigestión, the weatoer ill alwayi be damp and cloudy in their locality, unless they use Dr. Pierce's Pleaeant Pellets. These Pellets are small, sugar-ooated granules, calculated to start the liver and digestive organa into healthy activity, and thereby graise low fpirits and dispel gloom. A Horrible Dvnlli. JuJge Punkley, a leading member of the New York bar, who is somewhat intemperate in his habits, was obliged to consult a ohysician. The latter examined the invalid's nose and breath, and then said: "You must take one drink less every day." "One drink less every day! Holy Mosei-! If I take one drink less every day, in about six months I'll not take any more at all. Why that is killing me by inches."- Texas Siftings. Whnt slüiiii'Ni au' Mislit Have Nnitl. ïo take or not to takt: that is the question. Whethcr 'lis better for a man (o suffer The panes and tormente of indigestión, Or Eomething take, and, in its taking, end them . Shakespeare didn't say that, but very likely he would have said something similar, if he were living in this 19th century, when so many sufler untold from indigestión. Of course he would have gons on to say that a man must be a fooi not to take the "somethiiii;" which would put an end to 1he "pangs and torments" spoken of, ïflie could get it. Now it is a fact that weakened impoverished blood brings on indigestión, which is the cause of dyspepsia, constipation - a poisoned condition of the whole system- and it is a fact, algo, tliat Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diacovery will so purify the blood and enricb it that all the weakened orgaus are revitalized and strengthened. It is guaranteed to do this. If itdoesn't your nioney will be returned toyou. ■illltonlCHS itosrKS. "I think you are a prfect heathen, Mr. Boggs," sai.l -Mr. Boggs, a prominent worker in church charities. "I wish I were," said Boggs. "You mighl pay me a lit'le more attention then." I.ailios Tr.y Grea) Frencta Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periódica! Pilis from Paris, France, act only iipon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of' thfi mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodioal troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the i lis to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Won, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb. 0 JOHN BAÜMGARTNER, DEALER IN AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kiivls of Building Stone! QEMETERY JORK SPBCIALTT. Corner Detroit aud Catherine its. ANN ARBOR, MICH. -A SPLENDIDRESIDENCE For Sale! We have for aale ■ íptendld BRICE RESIDENCE, in the best part of the City, for BALE AT A BARGAIN. All in good repair. Suitabletermsof pay ment may be had Cali upon or address S. M., 50tf Rbgistbr Ofkiok.


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