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Many Clergymen, Singers, actors, and public speakers use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is the favorite remedy for hoarscness and all afiections of the vocal organs, throat, and lungs. As an anodyne and expectorant, the effect o( this preparation are promptly realized. 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias done me great oood. It is a splendld remedy for all dSeases of the throat and lungs, and I luwe much pleasure in testifying to its merits."- (Kev.) C. N. Niehols, No. Tisbury, Mass. "In ray profession of an auetioneer. any affection of the voice 01 throat is n erious matter, but, at eachattark, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer's C'heny Pectoral. This remedy. witli ordlnary care. lias worked such a magical effect that I have suffered very little inconvenience. I have also used it in my family, with very excellent results, in coughs, colds, &c."- Wru. II. Quartly, Minlaton, So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PEEr-AKBD BT DE. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. gold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottle, $i. THE GREAT H0U5SH0LD REMEDY FOR ■PIL-ES La't BSisum, Eczema, Wcunds, Burn:-. Sarcs, Pronchi;;-. Etc., : CiO OENTS. I wo-oent staraps for free samp!c box and boek. TAÍ0ÍFÍ0AP, ABSOLUTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TOiLETt BATH AND NURSERY PUñPUSES. TAE-OID CO., Chicago, I1L I Make Your Back I Dinsuntcd with rverybody and everyej El t.hinr, tirod, played-out and weary, all be■■ B causo of a weak, acuinj? back. Hop,Plaster3 fA H positWely fñve instant relief ana quickly n n vitalizo and restoro tlio strained and suro ■ 54 uiusclca to strength and activity. wá Applj ono to-day you'll íeel happier and H H For all painsand matterwhcro I W} tocated or imw severa, tbeae i)ia.-U'r aiTord ■ 9 tho only spoixly and permanent nlicf. Preparod from fresh hops, Tiemlock, balI B f.-itns tmd ertracte, coinbiiüníí soothuip, pam■ J killm-, stiimilatintraiHlHtrcngtheiÜngpropRB H crties tho xuumeut applied. Uojt Piasters nrO aoid toy alï dmg and ■ ■ country stores, price 25 cts ; flve foradollar. I 13 Üv mali for prlco. Examine when you nuy ■■ ■ and seetliatour eUrnaturoi'i orí tho piaster. U ■ Refuse a substituto or imltatiuu. S HOP PLASTER CO.,pROP's' BOSTON. I S UrtP PLASTERSI nWr WILLSUEEL7D0IT. VThe Best and Purest MedicineS L EVER MADE. TJLsystem, and make your Bkinll & VVfíL pimples and Blotchcs ■(■„ O -i viLaro causea by impurejg 'O '"í, 'iLblooa, añil can beT a % V %s ! .wiso ana use II '4 # ' ■■? ALth0 greatll best ml P! 0y%'", 'I I illbeeatififted. . %■;■ W _ " tiet it of your Druiiglst. 'o. SS ID(WlV."A;r. GETITATOKOTk -5I3 If you ave aufferiiiR from K'J-? ' II ncv Tïisca'te. and wisn to live to olí age, u SULPHirii BIÏTEKSV 1 ï hey xiever f ai 1 to cure. lij Sond 3 2cnt stampa to A. P. Onlway ft Co.. Boitou.Mass.. for best medical work publishedi Purify YOUR Blood WITH Hibbard's Herb Extract A WOHDERFUL CURE. áffl, t ness of mi' wearinc wFÊt&St "'"' hadi'OBSumflil " i YmJ curcd by Hibbahd's ■SSí'!w preparaten of rootand horbs enred me over 47 years agc. glnce when 1 have cured thonaanda Ui ita ose. It req.nlrea a powf-rfu! vegetable remedy Ui effect Bueh a eure as my own, and my argutnont Ua ahvays heen that the reme dy that cured me would cnre all forms of Scrofula or othcr lilood and Skin Diseases. lts Bacceu has been Phenomenal. Sen'd for list of testimoniáis and printed hiatory of my case, or cali on mo any day, or write and describe your case. Advice free. Mis .1. HiBBARn. Aroid imitations. Be sure above tradeoiark is on rapper. S1.00 at all Uruggiatt. HIBBARD HERB EXTRACT CO . SOT Canal St., CliU'as. IU.


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