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Cexpress stable " Work horses in the city are wortli thrct as much as country horses bccausc we Uankct them in the stable." r REE- Get from yonr dealer free, the ja Book. It has handsome pictures ninl valuable information aboat horses. Two or tliree dollars for B Si Hol Blaoket will make your horse worth more and i':it leva ! keep warm. ( 5'A Five Müe ) 5'A Boss Stable Askfcr) 5& Electric ( 5A Extra Test ■ liem from your DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. - 100 styleK, prices to suit all. Wil AYÜK3& 80K8. PHII-AÜIiLl'lIIA. fcaold by all dealera. "WoocL's lxosïla.o3-Ti.eGREAT Ka.lSM URMEDV. i tr 3ó yearsT" i- . of Yoathful folly aaandsMuc Ër% and the ei' wWSr ' later - untted to cure all ".Um 3 Gitx imvi - of jL!jKs3 strength and visW axknens, F ajflkTj "". AskdrufKists ïions, pEiWlPP for Wood's rh's . npotr-m y '.,"' Vïïr phodlne; takeno smtalltlieefTeots ' l'OiTroni I.ifo. BUostltutc. papkajse, 81 ; mail. Wrltf for pamphlt-t. AdUreM The:Voá í Iietnical Co., 131 wrtifwa1 . tvc., DtitToït, Mlcli. f? Mitchell'sKidney Piasters J . " Abnorb all disease in ttuKidiieys and A '. f restore thomto a hoalthy condi:; ni. I n Oíd cbronio kidney Wiflareri pay ( l tbcy got no relief until Uu : ' siiTciiEr.i,'s kii).: v PLASTEES. t ldbyHnigcfiitBCTPi7whcro,ori'Dtlyia!iü . IlYOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. ïf You Have CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCHorCOLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTINCof FLESH, ie mii tUmatt ivlinr Uu Throai amé l.niii.l" "'■'' Influmnl, l.tnl: if Slrrinjth in Norm Pmnr, yon eon be reiitnd :í Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURECODLiVERC 'ATith Hypophosphite.s Palatablc as Milk. ..■ jor 8c9tt'$ i:tnitfi:tt. ttttil ' l e,cplatatit.i or soliritutiou itultit ■ ( arcrj't ( substituí-. Sold by all Drugglfitn, SCOTT & BÖÏÏKE, Cbemists, H. . x V I IK LN V VflWw s, ■ JihHm - JÜWSS - RobhH Sho nutif worn mamtartrtiTf tlght, :ii';u. T lip off tht A er he coLCors-ri: n bbei ('. ,■ rtaftttoelraHMK wHi ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ' ""; "Jg il-T. TÜ ■''■ 'v ' ' ; ' " ' ; ' ' '' " can ftUppttt 'rfl aOHESIVH CC'TrRG. FOR SALE BY , Wui.Allaby, .lohn Buik. Doiy lnrr, I.. Grnnrr, W. R-liiliril A 'o.. A. n. SoTlPr nnm. KN R. -YOl ARE IN SALÍN E - get a POUND of A. M.HUMPHREWS '2 C 0 F F E E ! HAMILTON'S INSURANCE. Real Estáte AND Loan gency. No. 2, Hamilton Block, FIRST FI.OOR. Tartles deslring to buy or teil Real EmsV wiU flnd lt to thelr adranuige to cali on me. 1 re[ resem ten First-Class Fire Insurance Cos Bates Low, Losses Promptly Adjutd bi1 Fromptly Faid. I a'.eo Issue LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES in the Counecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co Ond Hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addi - tion for sale. Office Hoöbs- 8 a. h. to 12 m., and 2 to 5 T. u. A. W. IIAltlILTON LUMBER! - LUMBER ! LUMBER! you oontemplate building cali at FBRDON Lamber Tui Corner Fourth aad Depot Sta., and get our flgur ; i for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbei and iruarantee VERY LOW PRICES. i-ilïc un a callana we wlll make lt i fonr lDlerml, aa osr largo nmd well Krwiril Hlwok l'ullyNiiHtainMonr ruimerIon. JAMEN TOIBKBT, Pror 1, J, HKECtt. Snpt. TUIQ ntDCDwo?niLlnlhll"'lrlfl1" lfiLS '"' fc". ■■■■■..■ a .'.. '.. Mln N. Y. AYERSsON. our autliurlzxd aren THE % RtWf llïliiEii f? nüBtlf FItOM I fldl ' Nas Pa!t:t Rolurn Ftm Boüer: WrouoM Iron and KmI VVheels, wilh ihe Sprrus haween tho (■ z ings ol tho Hub; 14-tnoh Sisal Tire; Cushi vnetl'Gezr and all Latest Improvenents. 8, and 16H. P. Ask tor Catalogus Fre. , L35 Threshers of all sizes. XKX HÜBER M'F'G CO., Marión. Oblo !i-10thsc JlkeScparalionat ('ylinder. No flylng; gnlo. SetievcrfceBeater incuts. Oniyonebelt. I!. SMETTLER, General Agent, ürand Rapids. MIcli. KOBKRT HI'NTEN, I .ui'. Agent, Asn Ahsor, Mlfh. SiOUD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. ' S. Baker & Co. s Breakfasf Cocoa froni whlefa the exeess of oil li.iSleu lemoviil, ii Abxolntely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. lt lias . than three limes the strtnyth of Cocoa mixed with Siarch, Arnnvrooi or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica!, cotttng less tkan one cent a cup, Ii Is deltcious, noorUbing, trengthening, kash.v diobsted, :iik1 iidniiral'ly adapted for invalida aa well is parsona In health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. lililí il ' "'"-k.udtiitriuutly, % W W V nra Thnt 1 litm- Dollar m Vfirin'l.'iro 1... li-h.Mli.T.iTftiri Ük-.I wrll BliofutnMk th ''nnfitin irnnptu n ..■' wbk-hj ti . ju ii iliniitii'.iint. ■ il tl bIm.i . i - i nd qiii kl Iwmd i 'teiirr bul on workrt Mch dUlricl oí i ountj. I bv1redr iftttrhl ■'-. providtd wlil n !' ,,,,.1.1,. i-, wfaoara makluK ovrr f SOM a lrtdi liXKW .,,■ S4M.II l Mrtl ilinVIEE. A.ii.. tonca, K. C, Al.ll. Bax I2O. . .t (, JUulae. ciifc ■ jeur !■ bffef timlc hr .íí.bn R. 9 iBiW i.„ ,,iv. „i, H' , 1 ,i umk li im. I!rdr, J% W k . i rn v nni' mak a mu h, bui ■ n fl Hta.h yüuquifkl.v Jéow rornru ?Vni lo ■.'. W11 (l.v ' lhl '".nd """' jou go ■ rfb flÉfl "ii. H-'i'li '!'. all ('- In n.v part it mm'mwr' [■Miifrn-."u rin f i ir,gW■ ' W1" ll"lM ■'"."■"' !'" niDwntojbpto fc M "W-Al%.''- 1 1 t'ït.V )flrut visHrA k"vs" ., i....n


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