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ÜUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Aiiveitisement, such as To Kent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserteJ three weeks for a.l oenta. "'A!TE. ■17ASTTEI)- A Hoiisekeeper, to go in the Y1 country, to lake charge of a fami)y-an elderly lady preferrod. Apply at this office or to .1 S. Mawn, 82 Horon-Bt. Ana Arbor. H W.V Tt:i- luimediatcly, for light farm wörk, a good, honest and energetie boy. Good pay aud good treatment Is assured to the right one Apply at onoa to r. o. box l84, Ann Arbor, 5,r WANTKD- Tüiee rooms, wartned añi unfumlahed. 26 Madison-st 54 Wjl5ti:i- YonnK Man or Woman, forlight TT Office Work. Apply at 21 S. Main-st. EOtf FR SAI.K. Íron SAI.K- At Wüscy'sMusicStore, Ihe test Sewing Machine in Ihe world.on weckly paymentsof 91 w. 50 W"K, Üü CHIEAP- Home and Lot, oornsr X1 Miller-ave and First-st, Ann Arbor. A good chance to ouy a home cheap. Address 55 O. L. Matthews, Lansing, Mich. I.1OK SA1.K- Brown carriage llorsc sound feven years old, excellent roadster- weight 1,100, at 4 Forest ave. ,2tf ?K NAIjE- Tbe Stite-st Feed Store, Col and 1 Wood Yard. { not sold will be for rent 5 J. P. Jddbqm. jOK &AI.K- A verygoodGaaolineStove. InI qulre at 12 N. Thayer-st. 54 i?OK NALE- At a Hacriflce- Brlck and Tile yard, at junution of T. & A. and Wabash R R Addrcai Mrs. F. A. i:i.inn, Mllan, Mlch. 67 FlfK House and Two Lots for sale at about pr;ce of lots. Long time given if desired M J. T. AoOM. jj'Olt SAI.K- Seed Potatoes. ovet 10 variitier bist Karly and I.ate. H Q. Makkiiam 54 Waètend Mttdlon-gt. Ann Arlrar, Mich. FOK HAX.E-A göod Koad (V.rf, cheap 26 Madlaomt 4 IS'f AÏ;K-AJargeHoiiH-. Apply st 28 Norti X. State-st. H, Iiíorse. 55 Ifoit ïhe Horse, Buggj and Harnas formerly owned by Mrs. 8. S. Cowles. 12 room house, No.oli North--st. Six room house, No. 63 .Viller-ave. lhese two propertles are offered eheap to close au estáte. Apply to Moork .'cTaber. 49tf L'Hl SAI.K- Wiïl havo au extra line lot of C Peach Trees, and of the most profltable varieties, to offer this spring. Also Apple, l'ear, Cherry, and Plum Trees, Grape Vines, and all of the Small Fruit Plants ; Evergreen trees and other ornamental trees. Residence and Nursery, No, 78 Springst,j)n top of hill. Jacob Oanhorn. 49tf 1OK SALE-A small Farm, two and one-half miles from Ann Arbor. Address Farm, this office. 46tf FOK A large S&fe, in good condition. Also a lot of Household Goods of all kinds, cheap for cash. J. 8. Maxn, 32 E. Huronst. 45tf F "OU SAI.K- Horse, Phaeton and Cuttêr. Inquire at 86 Wdliamsst, or at my office, No. 5 N. Main-st JQ. A. Sessions. 4itf IOB SaLk- a splendid, well cultivated Farm 1 of 200 acres, in Western Michigan. Good buildings of all kinds ; also severalwells and springs. Only ninety miles from Chicago and within two miles of a City of 5,000. The property will be sold for a small amount down and balance on smal] yearly payments. It in a splendid chance For partícula inquire at this office 47tf FR RENT. FOK REKT- House convenient forsmallfamily, corner of Packard and 5th-sts. Inquire at Ho. 14 Paekard-st. Mus. .1. G. Johnson. 56 F?OK nS'!i.TIl01ISC' u room9 hea'l by furnace. 28 Geddes-ave. 55 Fae"l "[Ve.'''FiVC m"u"tht1 rooms.t 27 l.'u "W-lxr0OBI House, with barn or without, and Brdeu, tor ïl.25 per week. Inquireof I,. BtWBTT or A. M. Clahk. 65 FTi?K KKBfr- siw House, with large gardeu . ?11(S. from tavln on Motr liue, close to' nor lllsh School, Ann Arbor. 54 k'H KMT-Karm to rent, 2W miles from Sa lem. for cash or onshares. 200 acres plow land, gooil barns and plenty of them. Water in barn yards and elsewhere; fencesgood. Inquire of A. M. (i.akk, Arm Arbor, or A. F. Ci.ark. saline. 46tf tfOll HENT-Two Flats, and several suites of faga ís itSfew sager biocK m sntve-st1IS('F.Ll,AM:rs. BA UG A ïSiS- In new and seeond-hand Pianos Organs.oultars, Violins. Banjos, SewineMa'. chines, etc, etc. at Wilsey's Husic Store " 56 ''po IET- S6 acres of first c.'ass Land, on sliares X or cash near this city. Also gootl Pasture for Horses and Cows. Apply to J. S. Man.n, 32 Huroii m. Aun Ardor. 52tf Í inile_eastof city. A. A. Choziïr, box 33. 54 FI.OWEK, Garden and HousipíairtirMirieí ave, or Chapin-st Groen House, is the place to get Ijarge Stock of Healthy Verbena, f ansie" etc. Come carlyto get the best piek 54 _ Yours respectfully. Jas. t. ms. MKS. ;. j. OBKRT, Gen. At for Madam Guswald's Health Corset and Waist. made to order. Also the Hisienic Corset and Walst ai orders wlll receive prompt attemion hj mail Addreis 30 South Fifth-ave T&'cJfflSJF of seod B"le' for8a!eat 8tf ALLMKNDINOEK & SCHNSIDKB. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 n ; ? ?" - -THE MEHLIN - See lt! Try H! u„, lt! " ALLMEXDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO., " Otneral Agent " I, I i I I I i I j i I iras mehlinÍianO t) Guaranteed Six Years lj 0 ALLMENDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO., A General Agents. {l HT43-00 IN OI,I FOR A WIFI:. ■ 'S wA','ive t0 the 'iretpersou (elling tu where ín the Oíd Testament the word " WIFE " is ñnt found 1100.00 in gold. To the ne.Tt"ï50.00 Tothe ft! m1 T'ii T? "ie f?urtl1' To the flfth! Ï15.00. To the bixth, $10. to the next 25 S5 each To the next 25, 2 each. To the pereou ending in the last correct answer we will give $100 in gold tw íre.f eXw?Hthe Iait$50; nd on ame asiïom the flrst. With your answer send 25 ets. in ilver Fr0.18' iS!ííttmp8' f6r a box of Cole's Blood p?n "S1"11"8'111000' IJrandStomah PUI ever made. Sure cure for ick headache Don't Gripe. REMBMBER the preseiu we Ab.' u r ï l.lFp,ee'„be1nB rtven awy to advertid Dr. Cole's Perfect Pilis and Family Remedie We refer you to the Traders' Bank of Orillia. Send at once and be flrjt Addrea, Home ïipclflc Co., Oriiiin. Ont„ 'miada, 58


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