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Manchester schools have 293 pupils. Manchester hopea to secure a shoe factory. Burglars stole a thing or two in Ypsilanti last week. Peter Knight, o( Bridgewater, is building a new house. Clara Hawley, of South Lyon, has been adjudjzed insane. A brick and tile manufactory is to be established in Bel'.eville. The Friends' church at Willis is teing painted insid" and out. J. A. Palmer has been elected chief of the Chelsea lire deparlment. Over sixty new volumes have been added to thé Saline libra ry. Saline pastors are telling Uow the sim, moon and stars were created. The Aun Albor and Dexter nines will cross bats at the latter place tomorrow. The York mili property bas been sold toS. M. r,ixl.y,olMa'tawan,Van Buren county. Cut-worms are playing havoc with tomato plants in some parts of the county. The Crawford lamily having left, there is not one colored persou in Chelsea. The Ypsilanti council istrying to ape ttiat of Detroi.. Ithasno Jacob but ït has a Tenis. James Geddes, of Chelsea, has a pair of Light Brabma fowla which weigh iwenty-four poands. Cha-, I-. Blodgett, U. of M„ '91, has been elected superintendent of the Manchester schools. The only gradaates this year from the Saline high school are Elmr Bassett and Daisy Hompbry. There are L22 pupila in the S'ockbridge schools, twenty-seven of' whom attend the high school. The merry-go round has left Saline .ie' no longer know how tl while auay the evenings. Miss Nellie Copeland, a gradúate of St. Louis S :hool of Fine Ar!s, will Open a suininer class in Dexter. i;.-v. M. .1. Fleming of Gagetown. will succeed Fr. Kelly as pastor of St. Joseph's church in Dexter. The small children of St. Joseph's parisb in Dexter presented Fr. KeLy with a purse of $05, last week. The Saline Observer calis the law graduates "dudes." Dudes! Why.most of them come from the wild and wooly west, and some are ex-cowboys. Eev. J. D. Spriggs will deliver the baccalaureate sermón before the high school graduates in South Lyon. 11. T. Woodruff has taken complete charge of the Ypsilanti Sentinel. His father, however, still remains editor. The Ohelsea Herald eays that more than ten times as many beans are being planted this year as in any previous year. The picnic aasociation of northern Lenawee and southern Washtenaw will hold their annual picnic next Saturdny at Sand l.ikc. Wm. F. Hall, of Sharon, clipped from one of hia merino eheep a fleece of one year's growth, which we'ghed over thirty-one pounil.-. Now is the time to pull the rye out of your wheat fields. A little rye will reduce the quality of wheat from five to fifteen cents per bushel.- Chelsea Standard. The Oakland Excelsior says there is M talk of an investigation into the drowning and the disposition of the body of the man Bush, drowned in McXally's lake, May 7." . Supervisor Burlingame, of Ann Arbor township, proposes to prosecute people who muy hereafter try to make the township' a cemetery for dead liorses. Hark, from the tombs !- Adrián Press. The lock-up at Stockbridge bas been enclosed by a high board fence. The space between the building and fence will be utilized as a pound. Vagrant men and animáis will have the coinpany which misery loves. Isn't it about tima some one was talking up a fair for this fall? Now is the time to make arrangements. Let's have a fair by all mean?. - Chelsea Standard. Would it not be better for you to pitch in and help make the county fair one worthy of Waehtenaw ? There are parents in this village who Meed not be surprised if they hear that their boy bas been arrested for disturbing & public meeting. Chelsea has a number of boys who should be in the ■reform school - Chelsea Standard. Nonsense ! Boys will (e boys. Last Sunday morning a dHiighter of Herbert Hunt, who remides south of the villaee, found a dynamite cap and was, when it exploded, carrying away Ihe end of the first finger andaportion of thethuuibof her left hand - M tnchester Enterprise. There U a wonderful niece of sidewalk patching on River-it,just north of ïiorth-st. In the space of three rode, nineteen patches of half inch and inch boards one to three feet long, are nailed over holes in the plank walk. - Tpsilantian. We order stone walks in Ann ArbDr. Mrs. H. C. Gregery ha& given to St. James' society a permanent endow■ment of$600, to lie used toward the support of a clergymao. She has also vre'seoted the church with a beautiful carved wood receptacle for the conituunion services, as a memorial to her deceased husbaiid. - Dexter Leader. Friday night,some men, whether for their own good, or for spite, opened an old ditch some five feet wide aud two feet deep, thereby lowering Cavanaugh lake about six incbes when discovered Saturday. Several men went from here to the scène and fillfld in the ditch, and now a sign on a tree near by says that it will not be healthy for any one to dig in that ditch. - Chelsea Standard. Th-e Stockbridge Sun suggests the foling as a new oath of office for officials who are so anxious to serve saloonkeepets: " You do solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Michigan, and subserve he interests of ealoonkeepere in direc violation of the law, to the best of your -ability."


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