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For ver Fifly Vcars Mrs. Winslow'a8oothing Syrup has been IMed for children teetbing. It soothes :he child, softeos the guras, allays all pain, cures wind col ie, nd ia the best remedy fnrDiarrhoea. Twenty-fl vécente a bottle. Sold liy all riruggivt throughout the werld. 0 I lic Talm ui ffcciipatlon. Men blame the women for their talk O. fashions aud of dress. And such like things that help to makc Up human happiness. Ferbaps lf Ere had been engaged Wilh matters on this level Ene wouldn't hare h&d time to taku Such notice of the- - Phlladelphla Times. i.iKiit-s Tn Great Freneh Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, F ranee, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839: England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the ills to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disordered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietora. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Mich. 0 A Natural Ambltion. " Do y ou want a six shooter?" " Well, I'd rather have a nine shooter. I want to kill a cat." ■! ol Revival. There is a bright little girl in a Pittsburg bpardicg house who has lately recovered from one of the infantile ills necessur}', apparenUy, to the full development of liumanity. Her little temper snü'ered greatly, and in a peevish moment shedidjust what sheought not. " Why, Mamie," s-aid her mother severely, "you Baid you were not going to be naughty again." ''I (lid intend to be dood," sobbed the culprit; then (with her late experience in view), " I dess you have to send for Dod; I had a relapse." Alwnys. You'H find it in all the professions, In pulpit, in court and in shop, As well as in strawberry boxes- The best always get to the top. I'at's Oreat Wonder. We are nurroanded by dangers all the way from the eradle to the grave. "The great wonder is," as Pat says, "that after getting out of our eradle, we live long enough to reach our grave." Thousands are out of health - moróse, morbid and miserable, beca'ise they do not avail themselves of the remedy within easy reach of them. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery would cure them. For all chronic or lingering Coughp, Weak Langs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Shortness of Breath, Asthma and kindred ailments, it is a most potent remedy. It eleanses the blood, invigorates the liver, improves digestión, and builils up bt.tli llcah and strcnKth. Dose small and pleasant to taste. Large bottles, one doilar. Of all druggists. l.ooKs l.ike n l'akr. A Toledo girl went to Chicago and white laboring under the impression thst she was Mary Anderson, Maggie ."Iitcliell and Anna Dickinson, proceeded to divest herself of herclothing and insisted on going upon the Street. Had she been laboring under the delusion that her name was Sybil Johnstone there might have been some excuse for her aversión to conventional apparel. - Buffalo Express. 4'alitrrll In Xcw Itil; Im ml. Elv'sCream Balm gives satisfaclion to everyone using it for catarrhal troubles. G. K. Mellor, Dniggist, Woreester, Mass. I believe Ely's Cream Balm is the bist article for catarrh ever offered the public. - Bush & Co., Druggi8ts, Woreester, Mass. An article of real ïnerit.- C. P. Alden, Druggist, Springfield, Mass. Those who use it speak highly of it. - Geo. A. Hill, Druggist, Springfield, Mass. Cream Balm has eivensatisfactory results.- W. P. Draper, Druggist, Springfield, Mass. ' 2 11 -al ■:! I l.if -i af ui t-, There appearsto be rather more activity in the line of medical literalure than in that of geology, fiction or history. In 1890, 143 new works appertaining to medicine and surgery carne out. He Altto t'auses Pain. ': It takes Zola nine months to write a novel. He handles a pen as a laborer might a epade, and isa slow and painful toiler. The expression on his face when he is doing literary work is one of torment." That on the faces of his readers is one of agony. Weak ornen. The more sensitivo nature of the female sex renders women much more susceptible than men to those numerous ills which spring from lack of harmony in the system. The nervous systera "gives way, sick headache is frequent, the appetite is lost, and other ailments peculiar to the sex cause great suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for such cases, and has receiyed the mostgratifying praise for the relief it has afforded thousands of women whose very exiiftence before taking it was only misery. It strengthens the nerves, cures sick headache and indigestión, purifies and vitalizes the blood, and gives regular and healthy action to every organ in the body. KXritSIO' TO JIAKÏIAM). O]IortuniliN to Tlsit Uu GrOWiBK Soul 11 Excursión tickets to Hagerstown, Md., and return, wil! besold May 20t!i to 28th inclusive, from all B. & Ü. points west of the Ohio Kiver and connections al one fare for the round trip. Tickets good until June 80th, with stop-over privileges at one intermedíate point east and est of the Ohio lüver. At Hagerstown low rate excursión tickets will besold excursionists to B. & O. 1!. B. points in the Shenamloah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to nearest B. & O. Agent for rat es. Information about low-priced lands, investnients, thriving towns, etc. will be supplied by M. V, Richards, Land and Immigration Agent, 0 B. &. O. H. R., Baltimoee, Md.


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