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Fruit prospecte in this immediate vicinity are stïll good. J. T. Gilbert is building a new residence on Lawrence-st. The school board has appropriated S25 for commencement exercises. M, ürossmann has been elected commander of the rnited Friends of Michigan. Burglars attemoted to break into the store of Chas. Speller & Co., Sunday night. __ The fund raised to guarantee speed contests at the county fair now amounts to $1,325. Mrs. Israel Hall will build a new house on the corner of Washtenaw and Geddes-aves. Mary PfiBterer has applied for a divorce from herhusband, John Pfisterer. Extreme crueliy. Andrew Stuart, formerly of this city, now at the Dayton military home, bas received a pension. W. H. Hebbard, of Northfield, died Friday last of paralysis. He was seven:y-four years of age. Improvements to the amount of $500 or $G00 have been made on the residence of Mrs. Prof. Olney. The Maccabees wül attend divine service in a body next Sunday morning, at the Presbyterian church. Lightning struck a street car on Washtenaw-ave shortly afterteno'clock this morning and disabled it. A carload of live seals passed through he city last Monday en route for New Yotk, Philadelphia and London. The city board of review is in session. Chis week they examine assessment rolla and next week will listen to comilaints. A. L. Noble has purchased the readymade clothing stock of Wagner & Co. The latter will hereafter confine themselves to tailoring;. Miss Anna Haskins, formerly of Houghton, takes the place of Miss Ludwig in the high school as teacher of ?rench and Latin. The Sons of Veterans, Friday evenng, presented their comrade, Joe Jacobus, with an eight-day clock, in honor of his recent marriage. Burglars broke into the store of J. D. Stimson & Son, Friday night, making an entrance through the back window. They stole $20 in money. The circuit court has refused to enertain a demurrer in the case of Elizaeth Raffersberger et al. vs. the Ann Aïbor Street Railway Company. John C. Boice, a leading citizen of Cherry Hill, waa struck by lightning ast week, and instantly killed. He was working in the field at the time. William Stierle, a mechanic living in he second ward, was found dead in ed yesterday morning. He marched with the Arbeiter Verein on the day jefore. A fourteen-year-old-boy named Frank lealey appeared before Justice Pond ilonday, charged with assault and battery. He was dismiesed with a severe reprimand. The Ann Arbor Business Association will hold a meeting tomorrow evening n the council chamber, for the purpose of electingofficers and transacting other important business. The new time table on Michigan Cendal went into effect Monday morning. The most important change is that of ïhe Grand Rápida expresa, which leaves for the east at 10:19, instead of 11 a. m., as heretofore. Thursday evening some miscreants took the horse and carriage of F. C. Huson, which was tied in front of Caspar Rinsey's store and drove away. The property was found later in the northern part of the city. Miss Caroline Roepper died suddenly Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. V. D. Garwood. Her remains were shipped to Bethlehem, Pa., on Saturday. Miss Roepper was the daughter of an eminent geologist. Henry Bargle, a stranger, went into Geo. Wahr's book store SaturdaV afternoon and proceeded to take possession of it. The pólice were sent for. Bargle was taken to jail. He is crazy. He was taken to Pontiac on Tuesday. The funeral of the late Albrecht Gwinner, which took place Saturday afternoon, was largely attended. Rev. Max Hein conducted the services. The United Workmen, Grand Army men and Sporting club attended in a body. Dr. W. B. Smith presented ye editor with a sample of the new creamery butter. It is of excellent quality and beautiful color. That kind of product is sure to sell at a good price. The Registee wishes the new enterprise the best oi' success. Drs. Wood and McLachlan and their wives left, this morning, for Atlantic City, N. J.,to attend the meeting of the National Medical Society, where both are to read papers. They go by the way of the St. Lawrence river and the Thousand leles. About forty persons at tended the annual picnic of the Ann Arbor Good Templara last Satnrday, at Whitmore Lake. Some of the Chelsea members were present and a."-sibted in the festivities of the day. A regular pastor will be loca!ed here oext fill to take charge of the Di-ciples' church on south University-ave. Afier the services next Sunday morning and evening, which are to be condocted ! Eev. Mr. Gault, oflowa, the house will be closed until fall. Andrew Satherland, one of Ann Arbor'g oldest and moht respected citizens, died last Friday morning; of paralvsis. He was sixty-six years o!d and carne to this county in 1828. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon froin hi late residence on DivUion-st. Otseningo Lodge No. 295 I. O. O. F., elected the following officprs on Tuesday evening: Noble grand, W. C. Jacobus; vice-grand, John Ferguson; recording secretary, John Boylan; permanent secretary, John Wahr; treasurer, C. L. Dow; representative to grand lodge, VV. C. Jacobus. The Register Publishing Company's presses aie busy issuing a large edition ofapamphlet for the Great Northern R. R. Co., advertising the famous resort on their line - Minnetonka. The little book is embellished with many illustra;ions and a handsomely designed cover of pink enamelled paper. The whole nork reflecta much credit on the Regiser Publishing Company, who are mainaining a reputation for first-class printing. ' A largely attended union temperance meeting was held i-unday evening at the Presbyterian church. The Fiske Jubilee Singers kindly rendered several selections. Addresses were made by Prof. J. B. Steere and Rev. J. W. Bradshaw. The former demanded a fivemile law for the University. The latter said that he believed that an honest attempt to enforce the law was being made by the present officials in this city. He also impressed very etrongly upon the yonug men present the advisability of total abstinence.' Coniplaint was made Monday morning by several residente on the Whitmore Lake road against Emma Moore for keeping a disorderly house. A warrant for her arrest was issued, and Marshal Murray and Deputy - sheriff Peterson went out to visit the place. They found the house vacant, for the nmates had flown. Monday afternoon Deputy-Sheriff Peterson went to Ypsilanti and arrested Mabel Anderson, Eva Cole and Allie Golden, on charge of being inmates of the house. They appeared before Justice Pond Tuesday and refused to plead. Their examinaron was fixed for the 16th. The beautiful Daniel Crossman property.and that adjoining, which formerly elonged to Deacon Mills, have been jurchased by J. A. Polhemus and W. S. ïicks. The land is about twenty acres n extent and lies between the forks into which Huron-st is diVided. At any oint on its surface a magnificent view of the whole city can be obtained. Beautiful evergreen, fruit trees and ledges add to its attractiveness. Workmen are already laying out streets, and ït is the intention of the owners to sell ;he lots by auction during commencement week. The addition has been appropriately named " Grand View."


Old News
Ann Arbor Register