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Fruth Medical And Surgical Institute

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No Money Required of Responsible Parties to Commence Treatment. IDTt. FRUTEE, Formerly of New York, now thc celebrated Examiulng Physiclan of tho Feüth Medical and Surgícal Institute, Chicago, III., by request of many Friendí and Patients, has declded to visit ANN ARBOR, Thursday, June 4, 1891. Consultatin and Examination Free and Strietly Confldential, in the Private Parlors of the CO0K HOUSE- one day only. 3DEL. A.. O. PBUTH, Kxamining Physician of the Permanently Established and Incorporateri under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervons and Special Diseases of Men and AVomen! Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a never Marriage - Married persons or young mea failiiia method. A home treatment enlirely hamv contemplating marriage, aware of physical west less and easily applied. Consultation free and ness, loss oí procreative powers, impotency, or W strictly confidentlal. other dlsqualiflcation , speedily restored. , D.riii!?1h afler y,18 of Pefienoe, bas perEpilepsy or FiU positively cured by our ne fected the most Infallible method of ouring Vital andnever failing Hospital treatment. drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, Impaireü Mem„,. . _, „ _. „ ory, Weak Back. Melancholy, Want of Energy, „.H3?6 and Bladder Diseases, BrightsDuw Premature decline of the Manly Powera-thoBe Diabetes and kindred maladies, treated and cnfl terrible disorders arising from ruiiíous prácticos of effected in thousands of cases that had been proyouth, bliKhüng the most radiant hopes, rendering nounced beyond hope. marnagc unhappy. Private Diseases- Blood Poison. Byphillis. Gouou maybe in the flrst stage, rememberyou are orrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varice. approaching the last. If you are bordering upon eele. Loss of Sexual Power, and all diseases of ti the last and are suflering all lts effects, remember genltourinary organa speedily and permanent!! that if you obstinately persist in procrastiuation, cured. No riska incurred. Consultation frees' the time must come when physicians can render etrictly confidential. Medicine sent free from you no assistance, when ihe door of hope will be servation to all parts of the United States, closed gainst you. Catarrh Cured.-Catarrhal affections of the nc ■ioung men who, throueh urnprance or the throat ]unea anfl Btomach. bronchitis. astWl carelera exubcrance of youthful sDlrlts. have been eónsumDtion and dyspepsl niccessfully trente unfortunate p.nd find themselves fn danger of losby toe mort ricentTcleuünTmetho whij ing their hcalth and emblttering their after Hves ■ vast hnunltjii pTwripn h nmvpd wortlif may before idiocy, insanity failing fits or total Sf cel flde nee We aeslre no bette? proof of S impotency resulls, cali with full confidence. ce8s testimoniáis, on file at the inetltu Piles Cured without pain, knife or cautcry. ofthousaudsofhelplesscasesthatwehaveroitore No detention from business. to health and happlness. Free Examination of the Urina. -Each person applying for medical treatment should flor bringanounce of 4heir urine, which will receive acareful Chemical and microscopical exam"" tion. UfnWnPSrift HÏÏBP? Perfcctcdin old cases which have been neglected or urukillfully treatei WUdUilAiUu uUtVbU No experimenta or failures. Parties treated by mail and expresa, butwW posslblc, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteeo. ■ Cases and correspondence confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D., to any part of U. S. Wf 30 question8 free. DR. FEUTH, Chicago, n State addroes, for convenlence of bis Michigan paticnls, is Lansisg, Mich.


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