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Godfröy Lewick lost a hoise last week. There was a dance at the town hall last Friday night. Mrs. A. B. Storms and children, of Detroit visited relations here last week. Misses Ella and Caroline Wliittaker's adilresses will be Lansing, Mich.,in che future. The road scraper scrape in districts 15 and 21 is finally settled by Whitaker biirning the notes. Dexttr. Dexler's base ball team is attaining sorne notoriety. Tne strawberry erop is good, notwitlistanding the big freeze. The ice crearn entertainment on Saturday evenintr, by the senior class, was a pleasant afi'air. Mrs. Judge Dexter seems to enjoy the bright days, a8 she is aluaost daily seen in her carriage. The lawn about the school building is looking nice, and the janitor is to be cominended for a judicious uae of the lawn mower. Stony Creek. L. H. Crane visited friends at Samaría last week. 0. E. Gooding has erseted a fine new eider mili on his farm. The Methodist society observed children's day last Sunday. Ira Harper, of Bridgewater, made Stony Creek a flying business visit last week. H. P. Thompson has been repainting his house. It presents a very fine appearance. Miss Nora Southworth, of Ypsilanti, was the guest of F. E. Falladay and family lately. The Stony Creek and the Island schools will unite their forces and hold a picnic on W. W. Dell's farm tornorrow. A fine time is expected. Mrs. A. Rose, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Julia Robbins, and other relatives in this vicinity, has returned to her home at Pioneer. Oíd Barney Hayner was arrested last week on very serious charges and gave boiulfi for bis appearanue before Justice Doyle, of Milán. Later reports state that he has fled to parts unknown. Hilan. There will be racing and Mil playing on the Fourth. Chas. Thompson will move his cloth" ing store to Kalamaioo next week. Homé ripened strawberries fill the Milán inarket, at ten cents perquart. A. E. Putman and Lee üitehcock have returned from their Almu vi3it. Misa Grace Huntington leff. Wednesduy for a few days sojourn at Grass Lake. Chas. Gauntlett and daughter returned from their Detroit visit, the flrst of the week. Miss Hattie and Eva Woolcofct, of Ypsilanti, are visiting their motliej for a few days. The Methodist charch will observe children's day next Sunday, and a class of small children will be baptized. The Ann Arbor Chequamegons played for the Milán commencement Tuesday evening. The program was as follows: Invocation; essay, "Opportunities for Success," Hattie Jacobs; oration, " A Glance behind the Curtain," Jessie Holcomb; oration, "Cause of theChanges of Government," James Clark; presentation of diplomas. Saleni Strawberries are scarce in thia vicinity. Wm. Holton is working in his uncle's mili in Dearborn. The Walker family picnic will be held at Silver Lake next Friday. Wm. Murry has erected a fine wire fence the entire length of bis farm. Mrs. Young, of Fenwick, ia the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Forshee. Dr. Millman and wife, of South Lyon, spent Sunday ufternoou visitint; Dr. Tweedale and family. The Baptist church holdsa strawberry and ice cream festival tonightat Wheeler'a residence, east of the viüage. A charter to establish a Knight o: Pythias castle in Salem has been applied for and one will be instituted thi month. Smith's hall bas been rented by the Maccabees, who intend making a gooc and tasty tent of it. It is now under going the necessary change. The Congregational church held their children's day last Sunday. The churrf was crowded and very interesting exerrises were gone tbrough with by the Sunday school scholars. IMxboro. A barn, 20x38, was raised on tlte farm of Frank Bush last Saturday. Charles Clementa, of Detroit, visited hiBcousin, Mrs. Frank Bush, last week l Mrs. James Bush spent h few lay with her son Leslie at Monro# Jiinctioi last week. Fred and Miss Edith Judson spen Saturday and Sunday with friends jn Northfield. Mrs. Willits entertained the Ladiee Aid Society Friday nfternoon. The proceeds were$4.50. Izar Willits lost a valuable horse last Monday, and on Thursday purchased a fine horse of Jay Greenw. Mrs. J. A. Campbell and daughter Edith leave this week for au extended visit with friends in Jackson and other Parts of the state. The four gentlemen (John Cowan, d Shaughness, Izar Willits and Will jopkins), who went fishing at Silyer Lake Tuesday, surprised the people of ur village by bringing home ■withthem iwenty-three large pickerel. besides a great many smaller fish. The twenty-first anniversary of the Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Freenian Suart va8remembered, on Tuesday last, by a surprise party, consisting of about forty, Drmghig with them a fine set of gold and ehina dishes, one dozen of silver jiuves and forks and a beautiful book. Alter a few remarks by Rev. Lang, a "e supoer was served, consisting of cold meats, biscuitR, cake, ice cream and other refreshments. Webster. Miss Etnma French is visiting here. Mrs. Floyd Williams is here visiting. School in district No. 7 closed last ?riday. Almost every one is planting beans his year. Miss Mattie McColl has returned from Oregon, 111. Rev. Scott Williams occupied the ralpit Sunday. Mrs. J. D. Williams and sons were in own Saturday. Remember Children's day next Sunlay morning at the Congregational church. W. E. Boyden and wife aftended the funeral of Mrs. Alex. Boydeti, last week, at Howell. ( IX'IXOH. Mrs. J. C. Taylor luis (jone to Iosoo to visil, her .párente. Miss McOinnis, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of Miss 1!. 8. Greening. Miss Anua Kline iias been entertainng Miss N. C.msins, of Erie. Miss May Wood Ikis pone to Fowlerville and Howell to spend a couple of weeks. Children's day was observed with appropriate exercises by the varióos :hurche8. S. E. Van Tyne will leave on Friihiy, June 19, to vistt friends in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. Dr. G. W. Palmer attended the annual meeting of the State Medical Society, held in Saginaw last week. Mr. Codd and family, of Detroit, carne here last week, and will lócate in their cottage at Cavanaugh Lake. The funeral of Mr. Wooden, an old and respected citizen, was held from the Methodist church on Monday afternoon. The Misses Lord and McMahon, of Grass Lake, also Mrs. F. Gage and Miss Hamilton. of Ann Arbor, have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Schmidt. The ladies of the Baptist church held a lawn social at the home of Dr. B. Qates on Wednesday evening. Ötrawberries and icecream were served. tVhitinore Carda already announce the Fourth of July hops. About twenty-flve bioyclists visited the lake Sunday. Mrs. Dailey, mother of C. H. Dailey, visited him last week. D. M. King, of Jaokson, visited bis parents for a few days last week. Mr. Fox, of Cohocta, formeriy T. & A. agent here, visited here over Smulay. Already rooms are in great demand for the week of the soldiers' encampment. The ice company has stakod out its side tracks and will soon commence shipping from its honses. Quarterly meeting was held at the Methodist church Sunday morning, and presided over by Rev. Hudson. The people of St. Patrick's chnrch are making arrangement? for the annua' Fourth of July picnic in the west side t;rove. Isaac King will make the Lake bis headquarters, while he solicita for hih drugiirmat townson the T. & A. aac the M. A. L. niüiis. C. H. Dailey has resignad his position as agent of the T. and A. A., and will be a cigar drummer. The vacancy is fillet by an operator from Howeü Junction.


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