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See for yourself how s Blankets wear and other makes tear. FREE- Get from your dealer free, the 4 Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Sa Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more ud eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile , , r 5A Boss Stable for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at priccs to miit everybody. i If yon can't get thera from yonr dealer, rite ns. FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONC. V other sivics -. Neta, prtoeato rolt aU Wm. A j:ks at .- .. -i, Phil i i.i-n j a. -.''-. ■■ ■ ■■ -s. Wood's !Pli.Of5TptLOa.üOTHK e RE AT EKQLISH KEMEDY. mr ;;.") yeara' j, ' Youthful folly tu usan ils mF. ani' the exf' ' 'l.v. Af ' later y.-n. i1 i) cun1 all ". jJK 5 'liiii imffl' rtns of Nervousl jyvy iSírcnífVi and riyi iknt'ss. I HLflLj. ' r. AskdruRj;lsi3 . ■KfTOBfcPW for Wood'fl Pboi ■d all thjgeot MiWO from Ufft. sui.-títute. I no lOkftBe, $1; six, tö, i m i:. Wrlte for pamplik't. Idress I Wood t heinical Co., lal WüoOward -e., Uetroit, Micli. & 5)Mitchell's Kidney Piasters J Absorban diseasc in thaTEldnejmmnd f t restore thcm to a hcalthy condition. Ajf Old chronio kidney euCtcrcrs aj JA thcy got no relief untU tl:cy tr:ed PLASTEB8. l-rnT_"-kt"'verTwhereTorpentby mail for !50c w . ■ - Wmln. I.owtill. !■■- IlYOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. If You Have CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCHorCOLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTINCof FLESH, Or umi Msrtmr tehere the Tliroat and I.hikj re Inftttmed, I.ack of Slrength or Nerve lfoiverf you can be relieeed and und by SGOTT'S EMULSIÓN OP PURECODLIVEROIL with Hypophosphites. Palatable as Milk. Anli for Scott' Kmitlsiou, ana f 't no expïnnation or solicitution imiuce to acevpt 't suhstitute. 8old by all Druggist. SCOTT & BÖÏÏKE, Chemists, R. Y. V v No more ■ÉfÉÉ of thisI SÉl , Vm, v Vu vhSHS " '$' ' ' ' -?W$y C ï .'-ISSWP'- Rnbber Shoes nnlesfl worn anoomfortobiy tlgbt, j 'nerally slip off tUe fúel TUE '-COLCHESTSK ROBES Ce. make 11 thelr hof wlth InsMe of Iiwl llned ■1 niOber. Thl clliw to the lioe auJ vivnau th rubber _om allppüitf off Cll tor the " ÜoluULIW " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY Wm. A lluby , John Bnru, Doty Kei ■er, I Grnner, W. Belabardt Co. A. D. Scyler A Son. áHX ARBOR. CHOICE ME ATS Cor. WaahlnKton-at and Kiflh-ave. Our alm is to please our customers by alway handling the very Cñoiceít Meata that the matket aflord. -YOl ARE INS ALIÑE- get a POUND of A. M. HUMPHREY'S 28c COFFEE! HAMILTON'S INSURANCE, Real Estáte Loan Agency. No. 2, Hamilton Block, FIRST II. OOK. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real EstaU wi1 find lt to thelr adrantage to cali on me. 1 rej resent ten First-CIass Fire Insurance Cos. Rates Low, Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. I also Issue LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES In the Comiectlcut Mutual I.ifc Insurance Go. Ond Hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale. Office Houp.s- S a. m. lo 12 K., and 2 to 5 P. M. A. W. N 1 I I.1ON. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! you contémplate building oall at FERDON Lumber Yard Corner Fourth aad Depot Sta., and get our flgur f for all kinds oí LUMBEK We manufacture our om Lumber and uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. 49-Olve na a cali nnd we wlll nuk It o jour Interest, aa onr 1htk' and wel] nrl-l toch fullj anatalnitoor aaaer Ion. JAMES TOI.HKKT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH. Nnpt. _M Htw yiiDCD BSTa A A A M á K .Jt Hlyy WJjBl mI BBFllrBlilf Has Palent Return FlM Boiler; Wroughl Iron and Sfeel Wheels, wiih the Springs beIween the hearings of the Hub; 14-inch Steel lïre; Cushioncd Gear and all Lalcsl Improvgents. 8. 12 and 16H. P. Ask lor Catalogue, rrse.E&Threshersof all sizes. THL HUBER M'F'O CO., Marión, Ohio. 9-10ths o 1 the Separatlon at Oyllnder. No flylng grain. Se Beverse Beater in cute. OnlyonebelC R. SHETTLER, General Agent, Grand Rapids, Mich. ROBERT HUNTEN, 43m6 Agent, Ann Arbok, Mlch. GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. f. BAKER& COS irBreakfast Coco? from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used ia its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup, It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. jlh f f f% 0 A Y KAK! I uiulrrt.kfl tohrWly -fl I I Ms, hó r.n Md Ud ivrilandwhO, ■ llall I I ■'■"■■ iitrui tion.will work hiduatnousljr. WWV Whowto '.ni Threo Thououid Dollar ft YrliiIhplrownloia:)i!'!Mr. vrr Hvo.I wil] alioftirni.h thi '".uBiiija orrniili in. wliich you can nm thataniouDt. ■■v fat munl: neONaftal aa ftbovf. KasHyand quickl --a iii-il. ï dira but on WOrkM frm rach distríci rcuunty. I liare ílrady taugrlit anJ proviürd with fmpioymr-nt a lirn aambW. m ho ar makfng over HOOO a VMrwidb. It a N KW nnl HH.I I. Kuil partKular FKKK. Ad!rvi al onrt, K. C'. A I.I.ÏV. ll.x 4tü, AukuMu, Mulne. -1 $0000.00 . jtr Ii belnjr maía by John R. mV B '"iinnyV'iC tnake aa much, but ve can IA taach tou qulckly bow to sarn frum íi to '■ f lo iiy at the atart, and mom aa roo go 1w9V flMLnn' Buth Hiti, all Re. In aoy part of Fm fjvAintricii you can comnifnc at bom, p JQgiuit all raor ttwc.or muninu only to flM p ,v,rv workrr. W aturt you, furniabJng W Í4f T-ryihine. EASir.V, srCEPItT laamd. -TTUfcljtf PARriCLLAlUI nCLK. Adtlrata at ooe


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Ann Arbor Register