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For Ov.t Finy Y'enrs Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy forDiarrhcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggiats throughout the world. 0 PrtisMinii Longevlty. Statieticb of longevity just published oy the Germán Government show that in 1888 there were ninety-one persons in'Prussia who were over 100 years old, and between 1804 and 1888 upwards of seven thousand persons of over 100 died, and of thete 155 wre more than 109. l.mlh'N Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure euppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A eafe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the í lis to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Ca, proprietors. Price, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb. 0 Close lp the Rsnhs. The Republican army must maintain its discipline, its loyalty and its equipment. So doing, nothing can stand in the way of its winning a grand national victory.- Rochester Democrat. Is He Yonr Frleud? Is the family doctor your friend? How many unnecessary visits does he make you ? How many days does he keep you sick when you ought to be at your work, and so doing how many hard-earned dollars does he extort from you. Would itnot be better for you to place your trust in Sulphur Bitters? Try them, they will be a true friend. Saving you a long sickness and a large bil], which you have hitherto paid to some avaricious doctor. - Editor State Journal. Nol the Kind er a Man They l.ikc Mr. Wanamaker is not a saint, but bis moral character is above reproach, and he believes in the value of religious institutions. That is sufficient to make him a special mark for Democratie scorn and defamation. - St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Explosión or a Bomb startles all within hearing. So the pains which arise from derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, quickly alarm those who experience them. Dr. Pieice's Pleasant Pellets afford a speedy and inexpeneive cure. Sick beadache bilious headache, consti pation, indigestión, bilious attacks yield like magie to this wonderful specinc. Only one tiny, sugar-coated pellet for a laxative dose. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. The action is prompt and pleasant. Absolutely the best Liver Pili made. Your money giyen back if they do not give entire satisfaction. The only pill possessed of such merit as to warrant their being sold on trial. TomiK Hen for Work. "The kids run this convention," is the expression with which a dispatch from Columbus to a Democratie paper is opened. It was intended as a sneer. It is, in fact, a compliment and an omen ofsuccess to the Republicana of Ohio. "Old men for counsel, young men for work," is a combination that has wrought wonders in every branch of human endeavor. If the "kids" run the convention they will run the state also. - New York Press. I Was DlsKnsted with the learned doctors after swallowing their costly medicine in vain for over a year for the relief of catarrh in my head, when I cured myself by uaing six bottles of Sulphur Bitters. My wife is now taking them for nervous debility. - Abiel Carter, Parker House, Boston. o The Simlle Completetl. "This seems like one of the old fashioned ring performances, doesn't it?" he whispered, as he slipped the golden circlet on her tinger. "I don't know, Harry," she answered, dubiously, "But I am afraid there will be something of a circus when you speak to papa." I had a severe attack of catarrh and became eo deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suffered terribly from roaring in my head. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and in three weeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to all who are uillicted with the worst of diseases, catarrh, take Ely's Cream Balm and be cured. It is worth $1,000 to any man, woman or child suffering from catarrh.- A. E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. 2


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