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Michigan State News

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Monroe claims the youngest pensioner in the United States in the person of W. F. Lingohr. He is but 10 years dld and has drawn a pension for the past two years. He is the son of Edward Lingohr, vvho was shot alxmt fifteen years ago. At the death of his father he was tlnown upen his own resources and succeeded in getting in the navy, where he served four years is an apprentiee. lid sailed on the Michigan, New Hampshire, Portemouth, Consfellation, Constitution. Jamestown, Kearsearge and Minnesota. During his four years in the navy he had his arm broken six times, leg once shot through the knee, received b scalp wound from a spear on the coast of África and snffered an injury t hit back which disablcd him for the service and for which he is now drawing a pension. DEATH Or JOHN BROOKS. He Was Michigan' Olilest Man, Having Lived IOS VE!ars. John Brooks, of Waldron, Hillsdale county, Michigan' oldest resident, celebrated liis 106th birthday recently, and the next day died suddenly of gangrene. Mr. Brooks was bom in New Hampshire Juno 18, 1786. He 6pent his early life after the manner of the thrifty New Englandcrs, and when the war of 1S12 offcred an opportunity to serve the country he enlisted and served faithfully to the end. He started west in the 20's, but stopped in New York state, not reaching his home in Hillsdale county until 1843. His wife died in 1809 and since then he liad livcd with his children. Health In Michigan. Reports lo the state board of health by sixty-two observen in different parts of the state for the week ended June 20 indicated that cholera morbus, whooping cough, inflammation of the bowels, tjpho-malarial fevcr and dyph theria increased, and scarlet fever, cerebro-spinal meningitis and typhoid fver decreased in arca of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at thirty places, scarlet fever at thirty-four, typhoid fever at eleven and measles at forty-three places. Morder of an Old Wonmii. Jack Kehoe, a saloon keeper at Manistee, murdered his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ann McCormick, aged 55 years by pounding her to death with a beer bottlc. Ile attempted to kill his wife, but failed. She received serious internal injuries, besides a fracture of the skull and nose, but would recover. The family quarreled over property matters. Kehoe gave himself up. Is Frobahly Irmane. Albert Smith, of thefirm of Chapman & Smith, cifrar manufacturera, (rand Ledge, skipped, leaving his partner. He also left a wife and live children, and from Chicago wrote a letter that he was oñ for California and did not want to see anyone in (rand Ledge again unless it was liis baby. Grand Ledge peoplc were divided as to Smith's sanity. Short SI (1(1,000. The shortage in the Marshall national city bank account whidh includes the ''Kirby defalcation" and other losses, has been ascertained to bo in the neighborhood of 8100,000. At a meeting of the directora it was voted to ask that a receiver be appointed, with the suggestion that John Houston, vice president of the bank, be named. Fought In the Synagogiu'. SeTeral well-known members of the Jewish society wcre fatally wounded in a fight in the synagogue at Traverse City. An old feud in the society broke out and the members engaged in a free fight with axes, daba and chaire. A number of arrests had been made. B Miorl hut KflWHf Iteitt A. W. Benier, of Mnrqucttc, has been appointed oil inspector for the upper península district. Albertus Pieter, a gradúate of Hope college, was ordalned at Holland as a missionary to Japan. A syndicate of Cleveland capitalists has purchased 3,200 acres in Ontonagon county, alonij the south shore of Lake Superior. Four rich veins of copper are known to erop out on the property. A Jackson street car horse chews tobacco. Burglars raided the residence of Dr. J. W. Coughlin at liay City and obtained S50. The Nester block at Marquette was destroyed by fire, involving a loss of over 8100,000. In four lumber transfers at Hay City just 11,500,000 feet of lamber changed hands, making it the bij: cok of record for the season. Mrs. H. s. Maynard, of Charlotte, wife of the proseeuting attorney of Eaton county. was Berlously burned by an oil stove exp] sloa. She would recover. The power station of the Hay County Electric Light Ccflnpany at liay City, tbrea large Wcstinghouso engincs and hi. dynamoa, was totally destroyed by flre. The loss was S50J000; ,00D. Mrs. Kiy Kellogg, ■: Kalamazoo, committed sui a quantity of morphine. Mrs. Kellogg was a leader of Kala she had just recovered from an ttttack of the grip, which may have unbalanced her mind. William Shellman. aged Ü0, andJerry Kelly, aged 31, weredrowned in Portage lake, near Hancock, by the eapsizing of a boat. Rev. Dr. Ureck.nridge, of St. Louis, who feil dead at the l'nslyierian general aesembly in Detroit, had S20.000 inurance on his Ufe. liis poliey expired the day before his death and he rene wed it by telegraph. Thousands of Lmmlgranta are crossing at Sault Ste. Marie point inonthly. They are not examined as to tüeir means of support, and no one knoWs whether they shonhl be elassed as paupers or not. as the goverament has no tnuntgrani inspectora at that point


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