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Michigan Legislature

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LAKBIKG, Mlo.h.. June25.- The senate yesterflay tor s.'onnd time defeated the bill providing for local taxation of railro.ïd property by a Vftr of 10 to 16. lt alo refussd to concur in the confcrcnco oommlttee'a roport on the Ki.hnr.lson bil', increasing the speciflc tax upon lüilroad earnings tlS 1,000 by a vote of lt tol? BI 9 were passed appropriating $45,000 for the v buildings at the Hmighton mining school .i . M.8S8 for the running expenses oí i ie sgriculiu al nilege. LaSbisg, Mich., Juno 2(5.- The senate yestenhiy reduced the world's fair appropriatlon bill from 118S.0UU to $100,000, amended the bill lo have tb mts consist of four men and tv wiinii. to clect a president of the board tram the.number, the eataf tion to be y jvr rtay and i.'i tor -ubsisand passed it by a vote of (9 i" ."). Tha tenate vras Informod by the 1 .vould the reductiou. A bill v:is . a vote of the people upon the quostios of oalllng a oonventioD for a genei state constitución. A d providlng for iinal ad! ; Tue t : i y . Lansino, .Mie1.. June 87.- The senate yestcn;:, . billa apvroprlatlng 190,000 tor the en ;ps at Marquette prison and providing for I .o townshlp unit system for i' the uppor península. A new confervi:r c i the Richardson speotfie tax railroad bill agreed to an inercase in the amoun: iM lai ipon the grosa earnings of tho road:. i, 00, to which the roads give i:ii. Anjourned to Monday. LanmN'í. Micli-, June 30. - The senato yesterday nlse:l the bill provlding for a special tax of huir a mili on eacl) dollar of their capital stock upoa all new corporations wüeu they Ille artlcles of association with the secretary o( state. Thearpropriation for maintaining the state weatherserrtoe was defeated, aa wai also the house bi 1 impnsing a specitíe tax of 6 per cent. upon the Michigan earnings of car loaalng companiüs an;l fast f reight Unes. HOUSE. Lansing, Mich., June 25.- The house yestcrday refused to adopt a substituto tax bill reported by the judiciary committee for a bill abolishing the auditor general system of collecting delinqu'iu tazes, and providing for the California System of taxing mortgages, and tho latter bill went upon the general order. Bills were passed authorizing the incorporation of the order of the Sons of St. George and for the Incorporation of Woman's Equal Suffrage associations of Michigan. Lansin. Mich., June 26.- The house yesterday passed the bill combining the management of tbc threc state insane asylums under one central board of control. At a caucus of tho democratie mombers it was dccideil to agreeto the congressional redistricting bill just as it camo from the sett&te. Tho senate resolution for flftal adjournmrnt next Tuesday was rejected. Lansino, Mich., Juno 7.- The house yesterday passed the bill lixing the salary of the clerk of the Bopiene ooart at fa 000 and an allowance of löiX) for elerk tiirc; afreed to the report of a conference committee on the bill increasing the speciltc taxen paid by the rallroads. which Inernasea the amount to $100,000, and passed the eongressionel reapportionment bill. :ir-an,í''inent of the new distriets is as tollowa: First district- The lir.-t. tccond, Third, Fourth, Fiftb, Blxtb, Soventh, lOishth, Ninth, Tenth. Eleventh, Tbirteenth and Fifteenth waltl ,■! Detroit. Beooud üenawee. Uonroe, .lackson and Washteuaw -■( inti-K .nul part of Waynecounty. Third Ili in iale, Öranoh, Calhoun, KalamaEOO n 1 E i OOU Pourth- St. Jorteph, Cosa, Dcrricn, Van Buren .; t aud B ixts oounties. Ottawa. Kent and lonta counties. Sixth- Oklu.l, Qenesee, Livingston, Ingl..i 'i i iari f W.ivne county and the Twelfi ' i un en b iind Slxteonth wards of oit. H iron, Sanllao. Lapeer, St. Clair and .Macoinli countles, and the rmnainder of Wayae county. Eighth - Ttxsoola Baginaw, Bhlawaasee and Clinton oountiea. Nlnth- Mu.-Uegon, Nowaygo, Ooesna, Mason, Lakc, Wexford, Monlstee, Benzie, Leolenaw nul tfanltou oounti xs. Tenth- Midlund, Gladwin, Arenao, Oscmaw. Ioscci, Crawford, Montniorcncy. '.tlj)'Mi;i, ProvQUti Isl". Cheboygan and Emmet eonnl Eleventh- Montcalm, Q-ratlot, isanella, Monisiu, Osoeola, Clare, Boscommon, Missaukee Crawford, Kalkaska, Qrand Traverse, Antrim and Charlcvoix countles. Twclfth- Delta, Boboolcraft, Chippewa, Mackinac, Ontonagon, Uarqnntte, Mennmlnee, Dickinsou, Barajra, Houffhton, Keweeasvw, Isle Koyal, Aler, Lure. Iron and ;vj in-c counties. LABBrjrG, Mloh., June 30.- The house yesterday worked steadily in committee of the whole all day on the new general bill ineorporating the California system of collecting mortgages. A message from the governor was recelved vetoing the bill requirlng railroad companies to build cattle guards at all farm crossings and to also erect fenoes Trom said cattle guards to the right of way lencos on elther side of the track as well as for the orosslBg.


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