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. TOLEDO p. AnnarboR (j AND [ J j) north Michigan) T RAILWAY. Lj - -J liWjfvÁRos""mn pil li Á (f H.w.rdcL V J%AYCITY j J%ISKEGON St y8WSWA' I j __- -TSoutl Bend X TOLEDO""- 7 ' IK.VINS LEAVE ASÍN ARROR GOING NOBTH. No. 2. 7:40 A. M ThroughMal] 4. 11:30 " .Clare Accom. 6. 5:05 P. M Mt. Pleasant Ei. UOING SOUTH. No. 1. 11:30 a.m Clare Accom. 3. 9:20 p.m Through Mail 5. 7:13 a.m Through Accom. All trains dally except Sunday. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, Ano Arbor. MICHIGAN (TbNTRAL " The Niágara Falte Route." CKNTKAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going East. Going í'est. Mail 4.42 p.m. 9.35 a. m. Day Express 5 25 p. m. 8.39 a. m, North Shore Limitedt 6.22 p. m. 10.19 a. m. Chicago Expressf 2.19 p.m. N. Y. & Lim. Ext 9-45 p. m. Night Express" 6.05 a. m. Evenüig Express 9 18 p. m. Atlantic Expressf 7.45 a. m. Pacific Expressf 10.30 p. m Grand Rapids Ex 10.19a. m. 5.52 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Satnrday. ♦ Daily. O. W. RUGGI.ES H. W. HAYES. Q. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ak'L Ann Arhoi UNACQUAINTEO WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WlllOBTB MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FBOM A STUDY Of THI3 MAP Or THÍ CMcap, Rock Islán} & PaciífBj,: oawk The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Joliet, Ottftí Peoria, La Salle, Moline, Rock Island, in ILLIKOBi Davpuporr , Muscatine, Ottutnwa, Oskaloosfl, ' Etí Moines, "Winterset, Audubon, Harían and Coondl Bluffs, in IOWA ; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in MIS' NESOTA; Watcrtown and Sioux Falls, in DAK0TÜ Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansas City, in MISSOUEI; Omaha, Lincoln, Fairbury and Nelson, in NEBRASSi: AtchiBon, Leavenworth, Horton, Topeka, HutcbínMC. Wiclilta, Belleville, Abileoc, Dodge City, Caldwell, 6 KANSAS ; Ktngfiüher, El Reno and Mineo, in INDIAS TERRITORY ; Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Ín COLORADO. Travcrses new areaí of rich farmW and grazing lands, affordlng the beat facilities of intetcommunicatíon to all towns and cities east and wefc horthwest and Southwest of Chicago and to Pacific SJrf trans-oceauic seaports. MA GN1FICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Leading all competitors in splendor of equlpmeobetween CHICAGO and DES MOINES, COUSÖ1 BLUFFS and OMAHA, aud between CHICAGOi; DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO, KANSAS CITY and TOPF.KA mul via ST. JOSEPBFirst-Class Day Coaches, FREF. RECLIXING CHAIS CARS, and Palace Sleepers, wlth Diuing Car Serví Close connections .it Denrer and Colorado SpringsirJ diverging railway línea, now forming ihe uew apicíuresque ) STANDARD O AUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOÜNTAIN_ ROUTE Over which superbly-equipped trains run iaiW THKOVGH WITHOUT CHANGE to and from á- LakeClty, Ogden and San Francisco. THE E0C5 j ISLAND is also the Direct and Favortte Lino from Miniton, Pike's Teak and all other sanitary l scenic resorta and cities and niiningdistricts in Color DAILY FAST EXPRESS TRAISS From St. Joseph and Kansas City to and from all W POrtant towns, cities and sectlons in Southern NeïrM Kansas and the Indian Territory. Also via AlBfJ LEA KOCTE fiom Kansas City and Chicago M Wüf towil, Sioux Falls. MINNEAPOLI8 and ST. FAJj; connoctiong for all points north and northwest WKJJ the laxes and the Pacific Coast. For Tickets, Map, Folders, or desired Inforrott' airly to any Coupon Ticket Office in the Unltcd StW or Canada, or address S E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN) Gn'l Manager. Gen'l Tkt. & Paes. AW CHICAGO, ILL.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register