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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cent. WAMKIl. A NTEÖ-TENI E H H-V fi I VËBSITT Itr I I.DIX;. Proposals will be received by the Board of Regente of the University of Michigan, up to and including the lOth day of Jnly. for the erectlon and completlon of an addltion to the Law Building, an addltion to the Engineering Building, and an addition to the President's House, all on the University grounds in the City of Ann Arbor. Plans and speel fleations can be seen st the office of the Secretary of the Univeraitv, or at the office of the Architect, E. W. Arnold, 57 Buhl Block, Detroit Proposals must be sealed and indorsed "Proposals for University Buildings" and addressed to James H. Wade, Secretary of the Board of Regente, Ann Arbor, Mich. Separate proposals wlll be required for each tuiiaing. Each tender must be accompanied by an ajproved bond, or certified check of five nundred dollars {(500) as suret; that the partles will enter into a contract should their proposal be accepted. Blank schedules wlll be supplied by the secretary upon application . The Board reserves the right to reject any or all blda. 62 X! AN I EI- Good girl for general housework W at 29 E. Libeity. 64 WaNTED - Girl to do general housework. I'ermanent place. References required. Inat EO Thompson-st, aftcr July 6, 64 ANTEU TO For nine months or one year, from October 1, a new eight room house, furnished for housekeeping. All modern conveniences. Address Mrs. Schriver, corner Hill and State st. 64 W ANTE.- At the Register Biñdery, No. 12 of the U. of M. Daily. A good price wlll be paid for the issue to complete the year's lile. 64 Two unfurnished rooms, by an Instructor in the University. Address A.B,, Register Office. 62 WANTED- A youngman aboutlorlSyears old to work in store. The two 8ams. 62 WA.VTEI- Summer boarder?. Board 12.60 per week. 8ingle room wlth board $3.50. 15 N. 8tate-st. 63 FOR s 1.1.. FOB 8AÍ.É.- First daas force pump for sale cheap. Enquire 83 E. Liberty-M, City. 64 FOR A nlce large Wardrobe. Inqulre at 59 E. Liberty 8t. 6 FOR MLE.-A donkey, imitable for light work, or for children. Apply at this office. A. Z. 64 (OR"SALE- New brlck store. 22south r State-et. 63_ FOR MALE - Second-hand one horse wagon. Tar walks made ind repaired. J. P. Judson, 2 State-rt. 63_ ARM FOK AI,É- The Buliock or ETerett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containlng 109 acres; house and barns stock and well water, timber; school and church within a xnile; land naturally the best and in good condition. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Ingalls-st., Aun Arbor, Mich. FOR SAI.E- Our nice Pony, " Kltty Clover," witli Buggy and Harness. E. B. Hall. 56tf ÍOB The Horse, Buggy and Harness ' formerly owned by Mrs. 8. 8. Cowles. 12 room house, No. 53 North-st. Six room house, No. 63 Miller-ave. lheae two propertlesare offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Moori & Tabee. 49tf I7OR SALE- Horae, Phaeton and Cutter. InF qulre at 36 Williams st, or at my office, No. 5 N. Main-st. J. Q. A. Sesslong. 4ltf FOK HKT. IpOK A House on Packard-st, eight Rooms. Apply at 65 south Fourth st, corner ofPackard. 64 t,""OK RENT- In July, a nine room house with ' furnace. One block from the University and high school. Inquire at 9J E. Washington-st. 8. D. L Allen. 62 FOK KENT- New house, wiUbe ready ubout August first. 68 E. University Ave. 63 LOR KENT- Second floor of store. 22 south F statest. Miss Judson, 22 Statest SS LOK Heul A nine room house on West Libr erty-8t. 51.50 per week. Inquire at Eber White place. 65 IjMR BENT- House with modern improver ments; city water, and furnace. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor. 62 To BENT.- A fine house and barns, Beauti fully located just outslde the city, and 89 acres of land wlth it, lf desired. Apply to J. 8. Mann, 32 E. Huron-st. Ann Arbor 62 1. OK KKN'I'- Farm to rent, 1i milea trom Sar lem, for cash or on sharet. 200 acres plow land, good barns and plenty of them. Water In barn yards and elsewhere; fences good. Inquire of A. M. Ci. ark, Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark. bal ine. 46tf LObT-í lace Handkerchlef, between University and 8. State, or in Dniverslty Hall. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to 13 Monroe. 64 Gt EOKUINA F. ORüUTT.-Will (rive leX sons in palntlng Tuesday and Thursday mornings at nine o'clock. No. 10 North State Street. 61 SAMPLE SALE ! Having bonght a line of Samples of Women's Miases' and Children's ' SHOES of the Celebrated line of H. H. Gray's Sons. I will sell them at Manufacturera' prices. Women's Turns and Weits, $3.87 a pair. Costing in our regular stock $5 to$6. Children's for $1.00 - regular price $1.50. Miases' for $150- regular price $2.35. Come early, as there are but 200 pairs, so as to get your choice. Look at our $1.00 Over-Gaiter, the best in the city. Samuel Krause, - THE MEHL1N PIANO.- I ALLMENDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO., 1 Gen. Wholesale and Metail Agent, ; Ann Akbor, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register