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The Lanrcxt, Fantest and Vlnet In the World. Passenger occomodatlona ui!fifllei. MEW YORK. LONOQNDRRRY AND GLASGOW Circassia Inly 'S j FrRNFsiA I'.ily SO ETHIOPIA ' ÍS C'IKCAD-IA Alie. 0 ANCHOSU " 26 I ETHIDPIA " 8 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR ANO NAPLES. SALOON, tCONa-CLASS ANO STEERAGE ra tesón est trrmstoanil ímni príhclpl SCDTCH. EK6LISK, i?.ISH AND CU COT!BENTftL POHITS. Exrursion Tiokett nc'.ueed, made ovailnble to rpturn by either the PJctoresqne C'iyrte & Nortli of Iirliiiid, or DRAFTS ANO ONEYORpíMFOR AÍ1YAM0UNT ut lowest (forren i n Anply to bUt "f our local upante, or to HE'NDERSON BROTHERS, Cíiicago, Illa JAM R. BA4 II, A.-, ni. The Best in the World. The "DAVIS." OVER HALF A MÏLLI0N IN USE FOR TERM8, ETC., ADDKES8, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CU DAYTON, O. CHICAGO, ILL. Capacky, 400 Machines per Day. 'j - Hato-j.T ■■■■ ■ . ■ rrri'cg NEW SHOFS OF THE DAVIS SEWINQ MACHINE CA AT DAYTON. OHIO. 10,000 ACENTS W ANTEO Gen.WM.TECüMSEHJHERÜH tr n ThiBWorkiB '.''"'''■" '■"'■": f H I.iji't',1., oftheHfl'nnf "M-rcl"Kp-"-ï 90 nK thrtmch Geciiir." ' BwLutiful Oíd ni '' "'" p ,■.'- líirhlv ilnlrt- ' - nd will hnvc n l-'nalinnin '" '" jjt ! ' " '.'' v' '"-", 8 " '''' J' '" .'" lflH rfitl Seiid íiji'. foroutíit orhesr tenis jBpHKjlilk. to Hl'lllUKU UltOS.. l'ull . QJDSE'S EXTRACT RED CLOVERNLpSSOM canceré %O Female Weakness Sores, Ulcer, Tumor, Alise. ps, Blood l'nisiiiiillK, S:ilt Kluun' Catarrh, Eryslpelas, Khcumatisin and al. Blood and Skin Diseases. Price f i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules for 85. i Ib can Bolid Eilra: S250. J. M. LOÓSE RED.CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. soid bv aiidruBgists. Ask my :m'-iil tor W. i . Houglas Sliocs. Ifnol (tt h;i'H' .1) yolir Jiliiccíwk your dexlor n rml lor cntloi;up, srl'lirr ltit ruciii). lllld jfpt luiii lor yon. S3-TAKE NO SUBSTÏTUTE, ja WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTREN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It ís a seamless ttxoe, with no taeks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the beat flne catf, styllsli and easy, aud beeauae we mokt more shoes of thitt fjrade thun any other manvücturer, it equala bandsewed shoes eostiuR from $l.w to $5.00. CC 00 Uciiiiini' Iland-Hewvd, the fiuost calf P#a shie evor olTcred fnr 95.00; oquals Freiich Imported shoea whlch eost from SH.tmto SU.OO. CIA. Haad-Sewed Wcli Sfaeei ftne calf. P" styllsh, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever GttenÓ it this price ; same grade as custom-madfi sboea coating from $6.00 to $9 C O 50 Pólice Shoc; Parmera, Railroad Men Pva and Letter Corriera all weartliem; fluecalf, seamless, smooth inside, ht-avy tbree soles, extenBion i'dKe. One pair wil] wear ayear. flO 50 fine calf; no better siioe ever offered at 9 this price; ooe trlal will eonvincu thOM who want a utOG for comfort and service. (CO " :' IH' s - orkinirmuirM shots 91 are very btrouij aud durable. Those who have glven them a trial will wear no other make. DaVC' 9.O0 anil 81.73 school shoes are DUT 9 worii bythe boys e very where; theysell on thelr merlts, as the imreasiuK sales sbow. I aHIoc'1111 Hand-ewed shoe. best hiCIU Iv9 Dongola, yurystylish; equalsFrench lmported shoes costing fruía S4.1A' to S6.ÜU. I, n. Ims' .50, Sví.OO aud 81. 75 shoe for Mis&ea are the best fine Dougola. stylish and durable. C'autioD.- See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are Btamped on the bottom of eacb ahoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. wat. íaiMUKin a co.


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