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USE DR. CRAIG'S ORIGINAL Kidney and Liver Cure Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are the only Safe Remedies to use for those afflicted with Bright's Disease, Liver Complaint and Urlnary Afl&tions. Only those prepared in the dry foem are the Original and the Only Kidney and Liver Cure that will restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIES USE C. B. R. 'A.. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The Craig Medicine Co„ PASSAIC, 3ST. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAE. GREAT REDUCTION IN HITS "-FLOWERS For the next sixly days. It will be to your advantage to cali and examine bef ore buying elsewhere. Will offer 100 Hats at 20c each; all good shape. Also great bargains in trimmed Hats. Must make room for f all and winter goods. MRS. E. ROEHM, 10 E. WASHINGTON ST. BY THE WAY w HAVE YOU SEEN PIANO. m We Sell ih And Othersf jflfc Allmendinger Piano & Qrgan Co, Makers and Sellers of Things MuBical. FACTOltT: SA.LMSRO031S: Cor. First StWash. Ste. 38 8. Man St. For Sale. A quantity of machine oil shipped usy mistak e by a Wholesale dealer. Thj will be sold at a bargain in order to avoid the necessity of returning it. Inquire at the Register j Office. OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, sucli as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not excceding three linee, can be [nserted three weeks for 25 ocnts. WAMEI). Agood girl for general house work. Must have references. No. 5 Cornwell Place. 68_ W ANTEO.- Three or four lady or gentlemen canvassers. to aell Domestic, White and Davis Sewing Machine. No previous experience required. Will pay salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F. Schoh. 67 WANTÏB.-A good experienced canvasser can find steady employment, rlght here at home at agood salary, by applying immediately at The Register Office. "VI7"ANTEI- A younggirl to do Ilght houseT T work in the country. Address P. O. Bx. 1484. M _ W ASTEO.- At the Register Bindery, No. 12 of the U. of M. Daily. A good price will be paid for the issue to complete the year's file. 64 l The School of Shorthand deVV sires to secute the services of some young lady who wishes to take a complete eoure in Shorthand and Typewriting and thoroughly fit herself for office work. To the right perfon employment will be given to an amount sufficient to cover her entire expenses, that is, for board, room rent, tuition and books, while she is taking the course. For full particulars cali at or address, School of Shorthand, Ann Arbor, Mich. 20 South State St.. Thlrd Bloor. FOK NAl.i:. IMIK SALE OS m ENT.- Four new bouses -F wlth every modern convenience, on Hillst and Forest-ave. Inquire of Henry Richards, 9 Detroit st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 68_ FOK SAI. 10 -Th James Mötwick House and Lot, No. 74 East Washington-st. Inquire of N. W. Cheever, No. 1U, N. Fourth-st. tl F-ttK sale- A quantity of machine oil. shipped us by mistake by a Wholesale dealer. This will be Bold at a bargain in order to avoid the neeessity of returning it. Iuquire at the Register Office. ÏpOR KALE - A large quantity of heavy wrap' ping paper, suitable ior putting under carpets, also oldnewspapers for sale cheap at The Regis. ter office. Ipoii nai.i:. New milch cow ind ruir. 1 Shorthorn breed, for sale cheap. Address Box 1323, City. 66 UAItJI FOK SALE- TheBuïïockoÏEverett Jt1 farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 100 acres; house and barns stock and well water, tiinber; school and church within a niile; land naturally the bestand in good condltion. Prices and tenns reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Jngalls-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. fiotf E1OR Our nice Pony, " Kitty Clover," JD with Buggy and Harness. E. B. Hall. 66tf I.iOK The Horee. Boggy and Harness 1 formerly owned by Mrs. S. S. Cowles. 12 room house, No. 53 North-st. Six room house, No. 63 Miller-ave. 1 hese two propertles are offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Moore &Tarke. 49tf I?OK SALE- Horle, Phaeton and Cutter. In1 quire at 36 Williamsst, or at my office, No. 5 N. Main-st. J. (. A. Sessions, 41tf FOR RENT. FOR REMT.- Rooms in The Hamilton Block. Suitable for light housekeeping. Steam heating. Apply to A. W. Hamilt-m, Hamilton Block. 68 ljOK KENT. - Good pasture and plenty or F water, 2% miles east of Ann Arbor. Address George Green, Ann Arbor. 66 rpo it E Si T.- Eleven room house heated by X furnace, East Dniversity-ave. Also best part of large house on Spring st. Chas. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. 67 O RENT.- Afine house and barns, Beauti fully located just outside the city, and 89 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. S. Manu, 32 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 62tl !ƒ OR RENT- Farm to rent, 2'A miles irom Sar1 lem, for cash or onsharee. 200 acres plow land, good barns and plenty of them. Water in barn yards and elsewhere; feuces good. Inquire of A. M. Claek, Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark. Baline. 46tf LOST. LOST. SIIIAYKI) OK STOLEN.- From the subscriber, a sorrel, white-faced, watcheyed mare, Mustang Pony. Any Information concerning the where aboutt of said pony will be suitably rewarded. Dr. Elias Smith, Whitmore Lake, Mich. 66 LOST.- On Sunday, July 19, 1891, between Ann Arbor and the George Sutton farm, a lady's small silver watch and chain. The finder will De liberally rewarded by leaving same at fc'chairer & Millen's Store. 67 PIMILDREN. - Tutored during the summer. VFor particulars cali at No. 11 south Division-st. 66_ SAMPLE SALE! Having bonght a line of Samples of Woinen's Misses' and Children's SHOES of the Celebrated line of H. H. Gray's Sons. I will Bell them at Manufactúrete' prices. Women's Turns and Weits, $3.87 a pair. Costing in our regular stock $5 to$6. Children's for $1.00- regular price $1.50. Miases' for $150- regular price $2.35. Come early, as there are but 200 pairs, so as to get your choice. Look at our $1.00 Over-Gaiter, the best in the city. Samuel Krause, 48 S. HLAJN ST. YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store ' 34 South State-st.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register