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f. I ItSKIV TO HMlïl.WI. O.x.rllllili. s In VlSit Ihe (imilll'ï Sonth Excursión tickets toHagerstown,3M.. and return, wil! besold May 20th to 'L'stli inclusive, from all B. & O. points west of the Ohio River and con neet ion.s at one fare for the round trip. Tickets gopd nntil June SOth, with ètnp-over privileges at one intermi'diate point '.it and west of the Oliio River. At Hagerstown low rate excursión lickets will besold excursionists to B. & O. R. K. pointsin the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to noarest B. & O. Agent fo ratt-s. Information uitent low-priccd landa, investmeaU, thriving towns-, etc, ill be supplied by M. V. RlCBAKDS, Land and Immigration Au;ent, 0 B. & O. R. R., Baltimork, Md. For Over Flfly Ycars Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drurgists throngbout the world. 0 iCARTERSl CURE Elqk Headacho and relieve all tho tronblea fnef dont to a bilioua state of the system, suoh a3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowslness, Distresa after. eating. Pain in the Sido, &o. While their moet romarkable buccoss has boen showa ia cudDg 1 SICK Heaöacho, yet Carter'a Littlo Livor Pilla ara equally valuable in Constipat ion, curing and pro ventiug thisannoyinRComplaint.whilo they also correct all disorders of theetomacli.stimulatatha liver and regúlate tho boweld. EvonilUieyoiüj ÍIEAD AcbetheywonldboalmoBtpricoIeBstothosewÖO Buffer f rom th ia distrossing complaint; but f ortuHately theirgoodnesB does notend hero.and thosa Whoonce try them will ünd these littlo pilla val u ftble in bo many waysthatthey will not bo willicg to do without them. But af tpr all eick hea ACHE Ib the bano of eo many 11 vea that here Is yrhen wemakeourgieat boast. Oor pilla curttitwhilo othors do not. & Cartor'e Littlo Livor Pilis are very smal! and vcry easy to tako. One or two pilla makea doso. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or parge, but by their gentle action please all wha nsethem. Invialgat25cents ; flveforll. Sold by druggista everywüero, or Bent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York: SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIGl NEW ADVERTISEMENTST CUBAN PARROTS My firpt importatioD has arrived. They are FINE. HK4LTHÏ PAKXOT8 and Will make good talkers. 5.00 each. Send for one at once. 89 WILSON'S BIRD STORE,. Cleveland, Ohlo. AlUArB"' Tumor CÜRKD . no knifellDHIlF ffbook f ree. Dra.amTlGNT A Sorkis linilWhll No. 163 Kim Street, Cincinnati, o. ff Jft WNE8S & KEAD MOISÉS ÏOREDK fipknB CUSHIOKS. Whtaper hcard. Cora. hrHIí. SiiM,ftiwhr'll lUnnrfIrall. Sold brF. HISCOX. Ml J, Ml ili 'a;, I.rk. WrIU t.r k.o f pr..ft tlU juk Dr. Grosvenor's Ü? Bell-cap-sic eiv.,quirk ,,,ƒ PLAST ER I Jrom puin. tartW I KR. ■ Rheumatiam, neuralgia, pleurisyand lumbacoH ijÉS. i ,,H.A!i? ,BAf-SAM lêgffiSAJH Nover Fail to Restore Gray PKaflliiS ■ c'r "" ToutIiriJ! Color Be Parker'B Ginger TqnicTItcureheworRtCmÍKJi Wenk Lonn, Debility, Indigestión, Pain, Take in time. SOcts HINDERCORNS. The only .ure cure for Com. Stop all jnm. 15c al üruggirt,, or 11ISCOX CO., N. ï. ï Mitchell'sKidney Piasters í ' ■- - Absorb all dlseasc in the;Kidncysan' f ; restore them to a healthj cond:t:on. . (1fygjf Old chronic kidney eullerera sa I "N they got no relief nntil tcy tri. BIITCIIEIIS KIDNXV TRASTEES. üo]A livf)rniTft9rvorywhcrc,orBentbyinn for.li1 ■ ■ „'..r w.rltK. I.ovrell, Mneontalns Tansey, Pennyroyiil anti Cotton Root Severfall. It drrjg stores, or by mail, securely lealed, In plata wrapper, for $1.00. I. N. Keed, Agent, Toledo, O. Wholesale by Williams, Shelki i Bkooks. Detroit Mlch. MProf. I. HUBERT'S ALVINA CREAM Por llcuiit tfvinu ■- Complexión. ■'ninOTM alIFrecUBB. Tan. Simburn Pimples, Liver VI ilei, andotherimporiVrti' s NtHmrëi ingbmrmo9■ t 'W blemiHhí'ñ p.-i'l uMiiuiTM-ntlv raatonng the omi. p 'non toitHorigiml fr-í'iisí.n. F.-r miiIp ut ymr Drug. iist, or aent postpaid on reoalpt tf prtM- 6Oo. Prof. I. HUBERT. TOLEDO. OHIO. rmliaie Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, ƒ ' At a Bession of the Probate Court ior the County of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thureday. the nlnth diy of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Prerent, J. Willabd Babbitt, Judee of Probate In the matter of the estáte of William W.Tubbs deneased. On reading and filing the petitlon, duly verifled, of Lucy Ann Tubbs. praying that administration of said estáte may be granted to CharleB H. Worden, or some otter suitable person. Thereupon It is ordered. that Monday, the third day of August uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be ass'gned for the hearing of said petition, and tbat the heirs at law of said dewased, and all other persons interes ted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if anv there be, why the prayer of the petitloner should not be granted. And it is further ordcred. that said petiüoner give notlce to the persons interested In said estate, of the pendency of eaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thts order to be published in the Ann Arbok Register, a newspaper printed and circulated In said county. three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. IA truecopy.] Wm. g. Dot t, Probate Register. C6


Old News
Ann Arbor Register