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business cardo. ITtTENTION! I 10 ÏOB WASÍT aoythlng in the line of I V BANANAS, OKANOES, FIUS. : , ,Mlll:s ..lull ICE H i: A M : ICE CREAH BODA. I ..Everything at Wholesale and Retail. Ij. & :f. kopp, 10 E. Huron-st. I Great Closing-out Sale ! I íif Tbimmed according to París, New York and ■ WfieTeiand styles. I n,TinalÍShapes audSizes, both largo and small. I füiBEBS Flowers.Rlbbons.Veiling, gilt and silver I Fterrthlng wlll be Bold at the very lowest price ■ ' B'ow on. Please cali and examine our large I SU of Boods before purchaseing elsewhere. I"00 Respectfuíly, JIr. A. OTTfl, 53yl 19 Fourtta-ave. I'arthur j. kitson, IContractor & Builder. I Btimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. I KEiDENCE AMD Shop, 2! O'ldes-ave. IT. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN FRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AND GAME IX SI. SOX. 22 E. IIüRON-ST. ■ ANN ARBOR. ÑeÑtillinery store. Fancy -:-Millinery. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. invited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, Ho. 33 S. Maln-Nt. [WHEN IN YPSILANTI -STOF AT THE Occidental -Hotel. Mineral and Fresh Water Baths. Ig-SFECIAZ KATJSS TO STUDEXTS.-&. Five o'clock Dinners Sundays. H. E. SHUTTS, Prop'r. "j R. WILLIAMS, Attoruey at Ln, Milan, Atlctk. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal 5iLinees given prompt attention. i LKX. W. HAMILTON, Attornev Ia Wlll pracüce In both State and ünited Stttei Conrta. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floorol Se new brick block, corner of Huron and 7onrtb treets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready with a New Brick Storchouse or the storage of Honseholds, Pianos, Books and loyes. Pianos and Furniture carefully moved. UI kindsof Heavy and Light drayiug. FRF1&HT I0RK. C. E. GODFBEY, Residence and Office, 46 N, Fourth Street. Teleptaone 88. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use if Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. lontractor and Builder, Iml all MihIs of ïuirk in connectlon wlth tbe above promptly executel. l8hop Csr. of Church-st and S. University ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. Wall Paper? OP ALL The-:-Latest-:-DesignsPRICES THE LOWEST. pSCAR O. SORG, The Decorator? . Slatu-st, ■ ■ A XX AKItOIC. 32 E. HURON STREET Is a good place toget repairs done by skillnil mechantes such as ineatering. Furniture, Qasoline Stores BICYCLES, SAWS FILED, etc. Also a full line of HOUSE FÜRNISHING GOODS New and Second Hand. is the place to get a good bargain . J. S. MANN, ■ Proprietor. B1SSIY l SEABOLT, isros. 6 A.JSTJD e Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. '" Uways on hand a complete Stock of even thinglr ' BROGERY Lffl! 'fias, Coffees and Sugars fcc Arücles bought for Cash and can sell Our frequent large invoices of " a eure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOB. Irib íSíf' our own coffees every week, always au „, i 8od. Our bakery turns out the very bnf Bfead, Cakes and Crackers. Oall and I


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