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1 ■ MnMaMB HAMILTON'S INSURANCE, Real Estáte AND Loan .Agency. No. 2, Hamilton Block, I'IKST ll.lllll;. Parües deslrlnz to buy or sell Real Estáte wi.l nnd lt to thelr advantage to cali on me. 1 ref resent ten First-Class Fire Insurance Cos. Bates Low, Loases Promptly Adiusted and Promptly Pald. I also Issue LIFE INSURANCE P0L1CIES in the Connectlcut Mutual Life Insurance Co. Ond Hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Additlon forsale. Office Houes- 8 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 5 r. m. A. W. HAniLTOS. ÍIyou wish to Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. i o Spruce Stree íEW YORK. HJlBETTON'S. Ggjj&jdtÈky CURE FOR in KéSPZm DU CC use myéA Hl rN. OVER K4#i EL ■■■#■ SIMPLE. Zjipt?' EFFECTIVE. ML 80x. WONDERFUL, L&JjÊL, HlgheslTESTIMCMALS. % Bl 4t Onicfluta or Malled on ft Becelpt uf l'rlcc. ayJ WINKELMANN&BROWN 9 Drug Co. Baltimore. Md. iAki a ■ ■■■■ T), nrout Gorman liUr r ALIIlC cffiTarau8icakii forma of headacho. People who have eulfered, eaj It ii & God's blessing CAD to mankind. Pleaa ant to use. No bad ■ ■ effecte. Curecertaia and qalck. For salo by drucsistB, or by mail 25 cenUn IHlADACHE pENSIONSJigglg: I Lost Discharges Quickly Duplicated. !8Years EXAMINER U. S. Pension BureüüT D. I. MURPHY t P.O. Box 534. Washington, D.C. ,„ m NEW UIIRPR Has PateM Relurn Fluo Boüar; Wrought Iron and Sleet Wheels, wilh the Sprirgs beiween the bf arings of the Hub; H-inch Steel lire; Cushioned Gear and all Latesl Improvepents. a. 12 and 16 H. P. Ask lor Catalogue Frse. , Threshers of all sizes. THï HUBER M'F'O CO., Marión, Ohio. 9-lOths o 1 tte Separation at Cyllnder. No flyii grain. Se e BeTeree Beater in cuts. OnlyoneDelT K. SHETTLER, Gentral Agent, Qrand Rapids, Mich. ROBERT HUNTER, 3m6 Agent, Ann Arbor, Micb. N. W. AYER SON. our authoílzed asenta -ivLDHSDAL, ÏARI? ÍJfj. f.IíKER&G. Breakfasi Coco frora which the excess oil h:is been removed, is Absolutely Purc and Uis Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than Ikree times the strength o: Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economieal, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons ia hoalth. Scld by Grocers everywhere. { W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. BEMOYED. -HANGSÏERFERCATEEEE. lSTO NEW STOREr OX WASIIIXJTOST11KET, Frst door east of Main-st. ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTS. The flnest Coufectionary in the City. 30c per fl. NewJFïrmT HAVIXG BOUGHT THE FEED BUSINESS Of OEO. H. HAZEUV00D we nroDosfi tn tMn SSffV"' kSSdffwtï. "258 HJ ■ NTRAW, 1'I.OIUnnd FKKI, of the bestqu&lity, Charcoal, etc? Gcods dellvered free to any part of the City. W Cash paid for l'oru and Oats. CTH.ejo,W1beonrenUe tb! TrUCk BuSine8s 0I Orders by Telephone prcmptly attended to. CLARK & JONES, Telephone Ko. . 33 E. Huroo-St. H. C. CLABK. c. H. J0ItK3 WÏODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAiNS DRDCEAIES ud FAOVZSIOVS. msT-cuss (looss a mmi K2&xa5.%a. thoS &d Powder at 50 cents. China ware free with T pound Coffee MM cents per Ib. The bfgoSdTat toe lorct prlccs Afways full welgït and measure. All goods fresh and -varranted DeWssasTwi111' You wm W. F. L0DH0LZ, and6 Broiulwaj. FRUIT-.-FARM! PEARS AND GRAPES A SPECIALTY AU kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees auJ Flowers, from Ellwanger & Baery. Order Early by Mali. Syrups, Medicinal Winos, Raspberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandellon and Other Domestlc Gra'pe Wines, prepared especially for Invalida. ■W-Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs. EMIL BAUR, __ W. Huboh-St. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOB POSTS, MAPLE FLOORINO, etc.. aleo And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOR THE CBAVPIOX 2INDERS AND KOWE&S, o. 9 Detroit St., : Ann Arbor. Mlcb IG. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAILOR li showing the largeat stock ot FALL COODS. He bas the flnest TRiU SKKiXi.s In Ann Arbor. Exanilne G. H. WUd'a stock ot English Dress SuitingsJ AU the latest Noveltles can be seen at .V... 3 Washington gt., Kear Main. I CHOICE MEATS "WBIITMAIT'S, Cor. Wiubinfftn-t and Flftli-Te. Our aim is to please our customen by alwaji hinilliug the very Cliolewt Meate that the market a Borde. LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER! you oontemplate building oall at PERDÓN Lumber 7ard Corner Fourth ard Depot Sts., and eet our flffur f for all kinds oí LUMBEK We manufacture our own Lumber and Tuarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. 43-Glve n h chIIhuiI n III make lt Ut foor Interest, aft oar larire and k 11 f;rill lock rally ■axtainN our asaer Ion. JAMES TOI.BÏBT, Pre. T. J. KIECH, Nopt.


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