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Michigan State News

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The supreme court has handed down an important decisión in the Bay City case oí Dwight Brooks vs. Daniel Mangan and Samuel Catlin, in which it is held that hawkers and peddlers cannot be charged exorbitant 1 ícense f ees, as it makes unjust discrimination between residen ts and non-residents of a city, practically exempting residents frorn its prosions, while imposing unjust and unreasonable license upon nonresidents. It was also held, in another decisión, that officers could not be held for damages for false mprisonment as long1 as tlicy had acted in good faith. The bench held that it was inevitable, under any criminal proceedings, that persons wül sometimes be arrested. An Unlooked for Crop. Ambrose Clouse, a farmer residing near Bronson, cut a crop in his field tha other day that had been planted by other hands t han his. While eutting wheat with a new binder he ran onto nearly a hundred pieces of telegraph wire that had been cut about as long as the wheat was high and set up in the field. He did not find it out until he had ruined his machine. A short time ago Clouse prosecuted some fellows for stealing his chickens and they said then they would get even with him. Health In Michigan. Eeports to the state board of hcalth by fifty-one observers in different parts of the state for the week ended August 1 indicated that puerperal fever, inflammation of the brain, dysentery and scarlatina increased, and typhoid fever, pneumonía and bronchitis decreased in area of prevalence. Wphtheria was reporteü at twenty-four places, scarlet fever at twenty-seven, typhoid fever at eighteen and measles at ten places. Knightw of Labor. The state convention of the Knighta of Labor in session at Lansing elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Master workman, Henry T. Allen, Schoolcraft; wortby foreman, W. D. Smith, Fprt Gratiot; secretary and treasurer, Theodore H. Holt, Grand Raplds; statistici,in. H. F. Baker, Lansing; executive hoard, r. E. Fleming, Hlllsdale; Charles Hasse, Lansing; W. E. Atlams. New Múflalo; delégate to general assembly, E, H. Belden, Horton; altérnate, Henry T. Allen, Schoolcraft. A Bank Suftpends. The banking house and store of E. J. Landers, at Imlay City, was closed by chattel mortgages. One for 82,000 runs to W. B. Churchill securing county funds; another for $1,345 runs to George Titus, and a third runs to Chester White. This would cover all the assets, leaving depositors in the cold. The event had been expected for some time. Suïcide of the Bride of a Month. Mrs. Orville Quick, of Jackson, married one month ago, committed suicide by taking morphine. She was Mr. Quick'sjsecond wife,and he had left her, saying that when she did riglit he would again live with her. Mrs. Quick staggered onto the street after taking the drug and told her sister what she had done, saying sho wanted to die. All Old H„ Mili lt„r,,,.,i The Wilson saw mili at Muskegon was burned to the ground. The fire originated from the refuse burner. The loss-was in the neighborhood of $35,000, with an insurance of about 820,000. About seventy-five men were thrown out of employment. The mili was one of the oldest on the lake, havingbeen running since 1868. Short but ewxy Iteuit. Holland had a slight frost, and by so doing made complete a year no month of which had been without a frost. Track laying on the extensión of the Chicago & West Michigan railroad has commenced near Traverse City. Henry Lindsay, of Detroit, was killed in Cambria by the accidental discharge of a gun while he was shooting fish. Edward Polkinghorn was killed at the Atlantic mine in Calumet by being struck by the rock car. The record of Alcona county for 1890, just compiled. shows but fifteen deaths during the year. It was reported that the railroads entering Owosso would combine and build an elegant union depot. Rev. Vr. Thomas Schneider, priest of the (ierman Catholic church of Muskegon the past six years, died of pneumonía, aged 41 years. John Moody, a railroad employé, was killed at Port Edward. His head was caught between two piles as the steamer Conger was entering the doek. The friends of Miss Rosalie Lacarte, of Au Sable, have received word from Montrtal that she has been cured of inflammatory rheumatisra by faith. Elwood Nash, formerly a Bay City boy of irreat promise, has been called to preach at the Brooklyn Church of Out Pather, LFniverslit. The oldest postmaster in Michigan is Maurice Topping, of l'lainfleld. He was appointoil postmaster by Kranklin Pierce April 1. is;,:;. ;uld na always been a democrat in politics Peter lVt.-rson, oj of the pioneers of Mason county dead. The state fair directora are not going to Issue any (ree passet this teason. C. W. SteYens, of Lansing, was granted a patent reeentty for manufacturing rock-faced artificial stone. It is now expeeted that the damages to the approaches to the tunnel at Port Huron will be repaired in time to have the opening not later than October 1. The birthday party given to celébrate tho -iiith anniversary of Mrs. Penthi's birth at Msntatee was t novel affair inasmuch as it was attended by 24 women. tho youngest of whoin was 60 years old and the eldest 87. The board of directors of the Michigan knights of the grip met in Kalamazoo and decided to hold their aext state convention at Jackson, December 3Í9. At present the order has 500 iflembers and h a SJ)O in the treasury.


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