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Chelsea now has two bands. The Patrons of Industry, of Oakland connty, picnic today. Another new house will be built in Chelsea this summer by Frank-Staffan. Holmes and Judson, of Chelsea have pnrchased 125,000 pounds of wool this season. Farmers in the southwest part of the county say that foxes are catching their thickens. E P Harper is building a fine residence in Saline. Chas. 'ftuer, of Ann Arbor, has the contract. The following will teach Sonth Lyon chool children next year: na. McSamara, Miss Mabel Heath and Miss Cra Dunlap. The Glazier-Strong oil stove factory, which was lately established in Chelsea, employés twenty-eight men. The building will soon be enlarged. C F Harrington, of Augusta, stole twentv-five feet of rubber hose from John 'Lawson. He was tried, found guilty and fined $10 and costs. James M. Kress, a wealthy farmer of Bridgewater, died suddenly of apoplexy on Wednesday afternoon last week. Mr. Kress was a supervisor for several years. Half a dozen of Manchester's young business men have formed a company for the manufacture of brooms. ibey expect to employ four or five men at once. Some boys hunting bees on a marsh west of this place set fire to the nest. The fire spread and in a short time jveral rods of fence were destroyed. - Chelsea Standard. We hear of a large and thrifty pitch of Canada thistles in the north part of Webster. Maybe the propnetor has been wholly absorbed in camp-meeting life.- Dexter Leader. A farmers' picnic will be held next Saturday in Frank Palmer's grove at Sridgewater. Rev. Mr. Cope, of Manchester, and Grant Conklin, of Hillsdale, will give short talks. Otto Durlach and George May, two Dnadillamen.gotintoanaltercation.the other day, in the course of which the latter received an almost fatal blow on Ihe head from a hay fork. Strange it is that so many will allow kheir fruit trees to fill up with worms nests. A small torch will in a few minutes remove thein and the trees be moch better for it.- Observer. John Pacey had the pleasure of eniertaining for the past week Wm. Patey, of Missouri, and Alfred Pacey, ot Wisconsin, both own cousins, one of whom he had never before met.- Dexter Leader. During his seven years experience as agrain buyer in Saline, Henry Liesemer tells us he purchased the largest 1öad of graiu, Tuesday, that he ever i%n unloaded. The load was rye and mtained 116 bushels.-Observer. Bruce, a son of S. M. Bigby, narrowly escaped death in the York mili the other day. He was standing near the elevatorand accidentaliy dropped bis hand into an opening. Two fingerswere badly cut and a deep gash was made in the hand. While in Detroit encampment week, Jas. Hudler niet Calvin Lawrence, of the 32nd MaBS. Vol., who aleo lost a leg in the war, and lay beside hiin in the hospital. Mr. Hudler had not seen him for twenty-eight years, so he invited him to Chelsea, where he remained a íew days and talked over oíd times.- Chelsea Herald. M. F. King has in his possession a jelic worth saving, It is that of an old aber used in the war of 1812 by BlodSettSmith, one of Lodi's -old pioneerg. This weapon is in fine condition, its "blade as bright and shining as a new knife, and if permitted to talk and give a history of Heelt, the tale would doubtless be very intereBting. - Observer. The Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club trill meet at the residence of Mr. nd Mrs. M. B.Wallace on Friday, Sept. tth,at 1 o'clock. The programme insludee an essay by Miss Nettie English, select reading by Mrs. Lapham, paper 3y Mr. John English on question, "From Xhe present outlook, which promlses he best returns, the growing of grain r stock ?"- Manchester Enterprise. L. D. Lovewell will take in wool tcday. Thirty loads from Plymouth, Salem, Northfield', Green Oak, Brighton nd South Lyon, making 35,000 pounds onght this year in all, or three car loads. Mr. Lovewell intends to keep in the market and buy as long as there is wool to sell. Prices remain low, he is paying from 20 to '23 cents for fine and from 21 to 27 for coarse.- Oakland Excelsior. The people's picnic, given by the 5ur counties.Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingbam and Livingston, will be held rh W. ï. Stevenson's grove, North Lake, ■Wednesday, Aug. 26tb, 1891. Hon. Salph Beaumont, of WaBhington, D. C, and Hon. E. H. Belden, of Jackson, are Ae speakers. J. E. Harkins, of Anu Arbor, will Bint; some of his comic ong8, and the Chelsea cornet band nill furnish the music. At the close of the recent state teacher's institute held in Dexter, a teachers' lasociation for Washtenaw county was orjianized for the coming year.with the iollowing officers : President, Prof. A. á. Hall, Chelsea; vice-president, Misa May Schaffer, Manchesier ; secretary, Trof. Walker, Dexter ; treasurer, J. G. leland, Emery; executive committee, M J. Cav.inaugh, Ann Arbor ; Janet Y. VanDusen, Ypsilanti; Mrs. M. E. GUI, -Aliñe; A. D. Chisholin, Salem; Edith Case, Manchester. Friday last a scène never before seen hi Ypsilanti, was witnessed in front of Justice Bogardus' office on Congress-st. All the paraphernalia of a gambling Kom, raided a few nights before, nd the inmatea of which had been ined, was brouijht out and piled on the rtreet. ïhe pile cnnsisted of tables, ■tards, chips, etc, to which a match was pplied by Deputy Eaton, and the x hole wasconsumed. 8ome of the spec'itors remarked that the wood burned Wjgbt liave been put in the supply for Jipe city poor, and others thought there ere more places to raid, hut no one wpresf-ed any sympathy with the owntrs of the confiscated and burned


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