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Death Of Mrs. Polk

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Nashvillk, Tenn., Aug. 15. - Surrounded by a few loving friends and relatives Mrs. James D. Polk, relict of the eleventh president of the United States, departed this life at 7:30 a, ra. yesterday, peacefully and quietly, in the full possession of .er mental faculties. Mrs. Polk had been in perfect health until last Wednesday evening, when on returning from a short drive she was taken suddenly ill. from which she never rallied. The bells %throughout{ the city were mournfully tolled and syinpathy. and regret were heard from the masses of people as they gaze upon the bulletin announcing the demise of this honored and beloved lady, who spent her years among the people she loved so well and who respeeted her as one of the nobleit of her sex. IMrs. Sarah Childress Polk was born Bep tember 4, 1803, at Murfroesboro, Tenn. Her tather, Joel Chlldress, waa a weulthy, cultureel and hospitable plantar of Kutherford county, Teon. Sorae of the pleasanteat of ber years of glrlbood were SDont at a seminar? at Salem, N. C. She became aoqualnted wlth Mr. Polk while he wat a rittng young attorcey at Columbla, S. C in 18M, and shortly ufter her graduatlon while yet In her tesos she became hit wlfe. Be wu then aerrlag hU flrat term in the Tennessee legiilature. From this time on her talented htuband oootlnued to risa, next year becoming a memtwt of congress from Tenneuea. For fourteen years he was in congress and wu speaker of tb house for Ilvo term, only reslgnlng in 18K when elected governor of Tennessee. In 1043 he recelved the presidentlal nomioation by tbe democratie cunventlon of Baltimore and WM elected the next year, defeating Henry Clay by a small majorlty. During all these years Mrs. Polk was her hutbuml'i confldante and chief counselor and did much to add to hls popularlty and succass. Mrs. Polk's was a rare type of beauty. Her olive complexión and dark, expressire eyes were set off by a wealth of raren halr Har rare conversational powers. keen repartee, easy grace and klndly hospitality won for her universal admiratlon. Contemporary histories and magazines are full of her praise. Since the death of her illustrious husband, June 15. ia9, Mrs. Polk bas lived a life of retirement at the Polk mansion in the heart of Nathville. Here she won the love of all by her gentleness and charity, and the quaint old mansion bas for forty years been viaited by the world's most celcbrated men and women, all f whum have, untll declinlng health of the hostess prevented, been entertained wlth the same cuarming grace of the old days at Waah lngton.l Nabhvillb, Tenn., Aug. 17.- The funeral of TSÏrs. James K. Polk occurred here at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. There was a great crowd present, but the services were unostentatious. The remains were placed in the tomb beside those of her distinguished husband.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register