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The summer young ladies and gentlemen, or some of them, enjoyed a pleasant dancing party at the Psi Upsilon ïouse Friday evening. The company present included the following : Misses ïellie Ames, May, Fannie and Edith Cooley, Nannie Leas, May Breakeyi Maud Hicks, Grace and Florence Anderson, Florence Lydeker, My Taylor, Josie Hyde, Bertha Barney, Mamie and Georgië Gal vin, of Indianapolis; Messre. Fred McOmber, James Breakey, Ed. DePont, Stuart Mijlen, Elmer Beal, T. B. Cooley, Cari Kose, William Forsyth, Wm. McKenzie, John Rathbone, J. B. Angelí, W. C. Mack, Clifford, Fred and loward Chickering. On Monday afternoon, the same party, upon invitation ol Miss May Cooley, ode out to Whitmore Lake on hay ackB. The afternoon was spent in a [uiet manner and in the evening a pleasant hop was given in the hotel. ?he party retumed to Ann Arbor durng the wee sma' hours. MAItRIAGE BELLS. On Tuesday evening, at the residence of the bride, Christian H. Oberbeck and liiss Marie A. Burkhardt were united n the bonda of matrimony, Kev. J. Neumann officiating. Only a few riends were present, among these eing Charles and Emanuel Burkhardt, of Grand Rapids. The newly married couple will settle down at once, without aking the usual wedding tour. They lave the best wishes of many friends. G. H. Wilde, the well known tailor, and Miss Mattie Wurster were united n marriage. yesterday afternoon, at the esidence of the bride's parents near Dexter. Rev. Eugene Spoehr, of Deroit, performed the ceremony. A CHARACTEE SOCIAL. The Ann Arbor Literary Society, to he number of fifty or sixty, enjoyed a pleasant lawn social, Tuesday, at the ïome of Mr. and Mrs. Woodmansee, east of the city. A number of characers, such as Uncle Sam, Romeo and Juliet, Columbia and others, were peronated. Tableaux were also given and singine was a feature of the evening's entertainment. The social was eminently successful in every respect. AliL ABOÜT PEOPLE. Mrs. D. M. Tyler is quite ill. J. S. Arthur speut Sunday in Toledo. Rev. Dr. Rust was in Detroit Monday. J. H. Cutting left for Boston on Saturlay. H.N. Chute has retumed f rom Toronto. Theodore Wetzel has returned frpm Lansing. Miss Mina Shaw is visiting friends in Dundee. Wm. McCreery isspending two weeks at Grass Lake. Ross Granger will organize a dancing class at Jackson. Richard E. Jolly returned Saturday from Harvard, 111. Geo. Vanderwalker is spendmg the week at Silver Lake. C. J. Thorpe, of Coldwater, is the guest of L. H. dement. Dr. A. N. Collins, of Detroit, has been visiting N. W. Cheever. Mrs. E. H. Eberbach and daughter left Friday for Manistee. James Kearns and daughter, Miss Theresa, are in Lansing. Bert Doty is visiting hisgrandmother, Mrs. Salyer, in Northfield. Misses Viola and Maud Hess returned on Monday from Jackson. Misses Bertha and Carrie Cristman are visiting in Tiffin, Ohio. The Misses Hirth, of Toledo, are visiting Miss Christine Krause. T. H. Wadhams is spending the week in Detroit and otber places. ■ Miss Iva Gregg is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. Drake, of Marquette. Mrs. C. A. Poland has gone to Green Bay, Wis., to visit her sister. The Misses Root entertained a few friends at tea, Friday evening. Chas Spoor has returned from Owosso, where he visited his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer left Monday morning for New York City. Miss Lizzie Diehl bas taken a position as clerk in the store of Mack & Schmid. Mrs. C. B. Woodward, of Detroit, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Lantz. C. H. Tuttle, of Jacksonville, 111., will visit his parents in Ann Arbor next week. Mr. and JIrs. L. D. Hubbard are spending the week visiting friends in Saline. Prof. Lawrence Huil, of New Jersey, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edmunds. Mrs. M. M. Green, of Detroit, formerly of Ann Arbor, spent last week in the city. Henry Binder, of Detroit, accouipanied by his wife, is visiting his parents in Ibis city. L. C. Noble, of PiUsburg, spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. N. W. Cheever. Prof. W.H. Pettee and family returned last week from the northern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Beakes have returned frotn Mtukinaw, where they spent a pleasant week. Miss Nellie Borland, formerly of Ann Arbor. now living in Imlay City, has been visiting friends in the city. Mrs. T. Kearns, of Fountain-st, was called to Belleville Sunday afternoon, on account of the death of her sister. Mrs. G. W. Galvin and daughters, the Misses Mamie and Georgië Galvin, who hace been vieiting Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barney, returned to Indianapolis on Tuesday. Eugene Koch is visiling in Cleveland Ohio. Mrs. Sophia Koch has returned from )etroit. E. A. Calkins has been visiting in Vlidland. Miss Helen Terry, of Toledo, is visitng Mrs. J. R. Bach. Miss Mattie Huddy expects to spend next week in Detroit. Miss Susa Whedon returned on Saturday from Milwaukee. Misaes Kate and May Seabolt have gone to St. Ann's, Quebec. Miss Jennie Foster is visiting Miss Grace Jennelie in Detroit. Mrs. M. F. Lantz expects to leave soo or a week's visit in Detroit. Rev. Henry Tatlock expects to leave o-day for Northern Michigan. C. N. Banks, of Waco, Texas, spent Monday with H. G. Prettyman. Col. H. 8. Dean and family left the irst of the week for Old Mission. Miss Maggie O'Brien has taken a osition in the store of Bach & Abel. Mrs. Ge. Collins and Miss Florence roster have gone to Flat Rock for a visit. Fred McOmber and Dr. E. A.Olark are visiting at the latter's home in Alymer, Ontario. Misses Maud and Carrie Freer, of íhelsea, spent a portion of last week n this city. Dwight B. Cheever leftWednesday for a two weeks' visit at Chicago and Fort Vayne, Ind. Mrs. W. W. Whedon and daughter dies Sara are spending a few days at 'avanaugh Lake. Miss Grace Colwell, who has been visiting Miss Gertrude Sanforth , returns to Chicago today. Miss Ella Everett who has spent the past year with Mrs. E. Wells, has reurned to Cleveland. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Nickels, of Montelier, Ohio, are visiting Dr. Nickel's larents for a few days. Dr. N. S. Hoff left Monday for Sault SteMarie,where heattendsa meeting of he State Dental Society. Miss Carrie E. Britten will soon leave br Fond du Lac, Wis., where she has aught for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reed, of Sy racuse, Cans., spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Reed is a gradúate of the University, Dr. D. A. MacLachlan returned Monday night from nis old home at Alymer, Ontario, where he visited several days. P. G. Suekey, accompanied by bis lit,!e son Paul, expects to start on the 26th br Italy, where he will visit his mother. Albert Lohr and family, who have een visiting in the city for some time. returned on Monday to their home in ilarehall. Prof. Geo. Knight and wife, ofColumbus, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. Cnight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cnight. John Donovan, who has been spendng several months in California, has returned home to visit his father, Patriek Donovan. Edward Seyler returned Saturday night from Bay View, accompanied by lis brother, Julius V., who will spend wo weeks iu this city. George Reading returned to his home n Flat Rock Tuesday, after a short visit vith his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. ]hamberlin, of this city. Prof. I. N. Mitchell, lit. '75, and wife, visited a few days this week with the family of A. W. Britten. Mr. Mitchell s superintendent of schools at Fond du L,ac, Wis. Geo. F. Key, formerly of the Normal, and Miss Carrie Hawkins were married at Yp6ilanti yesterday. They will reside at 22 Packard-st, Mr. Key will ;ake advanced work in the University. Walter Miller and family are making Ann Arbor a short visit, on their way o their future home at Columbia, Mo. Chey are staying at their father's on ?ackard-8t., where they will be glad to see all their old friends.


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