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Fruth Medical And Surgical Institute

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No Money Required of Responsible Parties to Commence Treatment. JO-R. FRTJTH, Formerly of New York, now the celébrate 1 Examinlng Physician of the Fkuth Mewcal and Surgícal Institütk, Chicago, 111., by request of many Friendo and Patients, has deolded to Ylsit ANN ARBOR Thursday, August 27, 1891. Consultatie and Examination Free and Strictly Confidential, iu the Private Parlors of the COOE HOUSE- one day only. O B;:::'.'.-r;-:.:. '-. jH Wm ,1 s dj BübAk áS o' Z p, cshM . '■jaÉPfiF D 3DI?,. JL. O. FRTJTH, Ex&mining Physician of the Permanently Established and Incorporated under the lawa of the State of Illinois with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatruent of all forms of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, NervoW and Special Dieeases nf Men and Women! Ably assisted by a full Btaff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a never Marriage - Married persons or young faillnc method. A home treatmentenlirely harmcomemplating inarriagc, aware of physical we lees and easily applled. Consultatiou free and ness, loss of procreative powers, impotency, or stricüy oonfldential. other disqualifieation, speedlly restored. Dr. Fruth, afler years of experlence, has perEpilepsy or Fits positively cured br our nf fected the most lnfalli'jle metaod of curiug Vital and never failing Hospital treatmeut. draiu in Urine. Nocturnal losses, Impairea MemT, .. . „, ,, . _, . u.„ nicM. ory, Weak Back, Melancholy, Want of Euergy, T .jdney and Bladder Diseases, Bright s wse Premature decline of the Manly Powere-thSee Diabetes and kindred maladies treated ana cr terrible disorders arising from ruinous practices of effected in thousands of cases that had been p" youth, blighting the most radiant hopes, rendering nounced beyond hope. marriage unhappy. Private Diseases- Blood Poison, SyphiUi. ■" loumay be in the flrst stage, rememberyou are orrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, {'?; approaching the last. If you are bordering upon cele. Loss of Sexual Power, and all diseases of tlie last and are suffering all its eflects, remember genitourinary organs speedily and permais""! that if you obstinately persist in procrastination, eurcd. No riiki incurred. Consultation free "■ the time must come when physicians can render etrictly confidential. Medicine sent free froB v you no assistance, when the door of hope will be servation to all parto of the United Statea. closed.eainstjou. Catarrh Cured.-Catarrhal affection, of the -ionng men who, throueh tenpranee or the thrOat, lunes anl stomach. bronchitis, ajUJ careles exuberance oí youthful sniriti. have been consumDtion and dyspepid, iUceessfuUT K4.} unfortunate and flnd themselves In danger of losby the most recent and Bcientiflc methodi & ing their health and emblttering their after live aait hospital experlence has proved WW may, before idiocy, insanity failing flts or total of coufidence. We deslre no better proof oM impotency resultó, cali with full confldence. cess tnan the testimoniáis, on file at the iwïï Piles Cured without pain, knife or cautery. ofthousandsofhelplesscasesthatwehaveresW"1' No detention from business. to health and happlnees. Free Examination of the Urine.- Each person applying for medical treatment sbould or briug an ounce of their urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and microscópica! exw" tion. W flWtlPB PUT HBO P? Perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unsklllfully Whae VYUCiUaftt Uu WUftti No experlments or fallures. Parties treated by mail and expresa, but posslble, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases Cases and correspondence confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D., to any part of U. S. V!L 1S3 questions free. DR. rtlÜTH, Chicago, mState address, for convenience of his MichiKan patients, is Lansino, Mich.


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