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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitlsements, 6uch as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not excceding three Unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 35 cenm. , -.hmi;h. W ANTE - Youne man. entering college, wants place to work in a family or store for all or part of hi board. For particnlars ee Lew H. Clement, Ann Arbor. 71 ANTED.-A girl for general houseworkat 23 North Univenilty Avenue. 70_ W ANTEO.- Twoor more unfurnished room In Ann Arbor. Addresa oon 16 Oak Street, Fllnt Mlch. 70 WAKTED.-By Angust 26 th, afirat-dasscook for a table or twelve. No waahlofr. Referenoe required. Apply to 25 East Lawrence-t. 70 ANTEDÁoYiipetent cook. laundress and general house eervat at 85 Eait Washlngton-t 69 Three or four lady or gentlem canvaisers. to Kil Domeetlc, White and DaTls Bewing Machine. No prevtous ezperience required. Will pay salary or commlision. Apply at once. J. F. Bchoh. Wtf FOB SALE. OR HA LE- Household Good, Refrlgerator, Bedsteads, Dresser. Curtaln and Pole, Stoyes, etc., 13 Wlllard-tt. 71 FOK NALE - Hoort family horso, perfectly sound and gentle. Enqulre at Stark & Gartee Patat Store. 28 E. Washington-t 71 FOK NALE Olí RENT- House of 12 room h with furnace,and water connectlon, on Hamilton Park. Enquire at the house. 71 [TOR SALE.- House and lot north eait corner Tof Ann and Thayer. Address, II. W. Geer, Ypsllantl, Mlch. 70. F ORBAI.E.- Sixroom house No. 63 Mlllerave. Thls property offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Moore & Taber. 68tf FOR NALE CHEAP.- Good cook stove and some houBehold furniture. Inquire 88 E. Washington st. 70 F' OR HALE CHEAP. - A laree "Paris Range," used only one Winter. Inquire Schuh & MuehllgJ 70_ FOR SALE, CHEAP. - One Foldlng Bed, cost (40; one Alaska Refrigerator, Ï18; one Gold Coin Coal Stove, $85. Good as new. Adderss, Mrs.Geo. W. Mlllen. Concord, Mich. 69 FOR NALE, CHEAP. - Fresh Milch Cow, 33 Miller-ave, or 6 E. Buron-st 69 tiK SALE.- Farm of forty acrt'8 at Whit1 more Lake. Soil, a level, sandy loam. Good house, barn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post omce and express office. Two railroads. Cali on or address Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 67tf FOB. 8ALÈ O KENr.- Four new houies with every modern converience, on Hillet and Foreet-ave. Inquire of Henry Richard, 9 Detroit Bt, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 71 OB SALE.-Th James Morwlck House and Lot, No. 74 Eat Washington-st. Inquire of N. W. Cheever, No. 10, N. Fourth-st 71 F"OB SALE- A quantity of machine oil. shipped xa by mistake by a Wholesale dealer. Thiswill be Bold at a bargain in order to avoid the necessity of returning it Inquire at tne Register Office. FOR SALE- A largequfiiitity of heavy wrapping paper, suitable for putting under cárpete, aleo old newspapers for sale cheap at The Reglster office. _, F4KJI VR BALK- the BuiloclcorBwMtl farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 109 acres; house andbarns stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mile; land naturally the best and in good condition. Pricea and terms reasonable. Cali on oraddress Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Jngalls-st., Ann Arbor, Mlch. OOtf ÏÏË ÉXPÖSÏTIOBiForthe Detroit Fair and Expositlon theC. & W. M„ and D. L. & N. Railways wlll eell excursión tickets August 25th to September 4th, good to return until September öth inclusive, at one lowest fair for round trip.with fifty (50) cents added for admission to the Exposition. These lines are the"favorites," te Detroit. Gbj. De Havik, G. P. A. 70 FOB BEKT. O RENT- A Bixroom house E. Univereityave, near Packard-Bt. Two dollars and a half per week tosmall family. Addres box 3034. 71 6 RENT.- Afine house and banu. Beautifully located just outslde the city, and 39 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. 8. Mann, 32 E. Huron-Bt, Ann Arbor. 62U rpo Cholee dover and timothy cow X pasture with clean pure water out State-et, one mile from Hlll-Bt L. Baste. 69 TTUFDBNMHED rooms, cor. Jefferson and LJ Dlvi8ion-sts., in suites or otherwise. A.M. Clark, 47 DivlBlon-st. 69 LOKT. LONT.- Between Delhi Mills and Ann Arbor, a black Cheviot jacket. Finder wlll receive reward upon leaving it at The Register office, Ann Arbor. 70_ NOTICE.- Dr. A.C.NIchols'office will be closed until the 25th, owing to hls absence from the city. 70 YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st.


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Ann Arbor Register