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THE EXPO8ITIOX- For the Dutroit Fair and Eipositlon the C. & W. M., and D. L. & r. Ralhvays will sell excursión tickets August _5th to September 4th, goodto return until Septmber 5th inclusive, at one lowest fair for round rip, with fifty (50) cents added for admiseion to hc Exposition. These Unes are the"favorites," te Detroit Geo. De Haven, G. P. A. 70_ FAKM FOR NAM-:- The Hullock nrEverett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 109 acres; house nd barn8, stock and well water, timber; school nd church within a mile; land naturally the best and in good condltlon. Also 40-aere farm orsale. The iJiof the eastH of the s. e. qr. of sec. 84 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmid's, one and a half miles from city limlts. First class land for leaches. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on r address Andrcw E. Gibson, 9 S. JnRalls-st., Ann Arbor, Mlch. 60tf T3Y THE WAY . HAVE YOU SEEN v ljte lieiil!!! PIANO. Uk We Sell Itl And Others! jllmendinger Piano & Qrgan Co, Makers and Sellere of Things Musical. FACTOHY: 8ALESROOMS: Cor. First & Wash. 8ts. 88 8. Ma n St. The third Sewing Machine club is nearly complete. Those wanting to subscribe should do so before Sept. lst. and take advantage of the low pnce and easy terms. You can choose ftom the Domestic, White, Davis, New Home or American. J. F. Schnh. 70 OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not excceding three linee, can be inserted three -weeks for 25 cent. WAMEI. Competent girl for general housework who is willing to go to Chicago. Good wages, and traveling expenses paid. Address 51 E. Liberty-st. 71 WAMTED - Young man, entering coÜege, wants place to work in a family or store for all or part of nis board. For particulars see Lew H. Clement, Ann Arbor. 71 WANTED.- A glrl for general housework at 23 North University Avenue. 70 WAHTED.-Two or more unfumlshed rooms in Ann Arbor. Address soon 616 Oak Street. FlintMlch. 70_ WAMTED.- By August 25th, afirst-classcook for a table of twelve. No washtng. Reference required. Apply to 25 East Lawrence-st. 70 WASíTED.- Three or four lady or gentlemen canvassen, to teil Domestic, white and Davis Sewtng Machine. No prevlous experience required. will pay salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F. Schnh. 67tf FOR 8 ALE. FOR House and lxt No. 54 south Pivision. Inquire at the house. 72 17OR SALE- Household Goods. Refrigerator, Bedsteads, Dresser, Curtains and Pole, Stoves, etc., 13 Wtliard-êt. 71 FOR NAL. E - GooöTfamily horse, perfectly sound and gentle. Enquire at Stark & Qartee's Paint Store, 28 E. Washirjgton-st. 71 FOR NALE OR REST- House of 12 rooms with furnace,and water connection, on Hamilton Park. Enquire at the house. 71 LTOR SALE.- House and lot north east corner "of Ann and Thayer. Address, II. W. Geer, Yp3llantl, Mlch. 70. OR SALE.- Six room house No.63 Millerave. Thts property offered cheap to close an estáte, Apply to Moore & Taber. 68tf IT'OR SALE CHEAP.-Good cook stove and r some household furniture. Inquire 88 E. Washington st. , 70 FOR SALE CHEAP. - A large " Paris Range," used only one Winter. Inquire Schuh & Muehlig. 70 {.■'OR SALE.- Farm of forly acres at Whitmore Lake. -Soil, a level, sandy loam. Good house, barn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post office and express office. Two railroads. Cali on or address Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mieh. 67tf ÍpOR SALE Four new houïes ' with every modern conveDience, on Hill-st and Forest-ave. Inquire of Henry Richards, 9 Detroit st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 71_ FOR SALE.- The James Morwick House and Lot, No. 74 Sast Washington-st. Inquire of N.W. Cheever, No. 10, N. Fourth-st. 71 FOR SALE- A quantity of machine oil. shlpped U8 by misiake by a Wholesale dealer. This will besold ata bargaln in order to avoid the necessity of returning it. Inquire at the Register Office. I7OR SALE- A largequantityof heavy wrap1 ping paper, suitable for putting under cárpete, also old newspapcrs for sale cheap at The Register office. FOR RENT. ÍpoR REST- House, corner of PacJcard and Hill sts. 9 rooms, furnace, bath room modern conveniences. S300 a year payable monthly in advance. 72 L'OR RENT- Seven Room lower floor 21 F south Division-Bt. Inquire at the house. 72 b RKA"T.- Two nouses on west Huron St.' J? Enquire at J. D. Stimson's No. 8 Maynard 8t 72 To REVI- A sixroom house K. l'niveraityave, near Packard-st. Two dollars and a half per week to small family. Address box 3034. 71 TO RENT.- A fine house and barns, Beautifully located just outslde the city, and Sg acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. S. Mann, 32 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 62tf LOST. LOST.- Between Delhi Mills and Ann Arbor, a black Cheviot jacket. Finder will receive reward upon lea ving It at The Register office, Ann Arbor. 70 MISCELLANEOVS. PASTURE- Woods, stubble and spring X clover; 92 acres; running brook; near County Farm, (3 miles from Mack and Schmld's.) Horses; 25c per week; cows 20c. Inquire at 9 south Ingalls st or at Connty House. 72 NOTICE- Dr. A.CNichols'office will be closed until the 25th, owing to hls absence from the city. ' 70 TF jou wish to advertise anything anywhere at X any time write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. 10 Spruce 8t„ New York. 870-921 EVERY one ii iiecd of information on the subject of ad vertising will do well to obtain a copy of "Book for Advertisers," 368 pages, pnce ona dollar. Malled, postage paid on receipt of prlce. Contains a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class journals; glves tke circulation rating of every one, and a good deal of information about rates and otber matters pertaininu to thebnsinessofadvertiaing. Address ROWELL3 ADVERTISING BUKEAU, 10 Bpruce St., N. Y. V 870-921 1 PERSONAL. T F KI END- Ii agreeable to j-ou, write me amount bonas you want for picking up the small black Wallet contalning a diamond ring and stud, if not excessive, will cheerfully CJmply. Write soon aad keep your powder dry. 70tf J. L. BABCOCKi At Home.


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Ann Arbor Register