Neighborhood Notes
The Chelsea Herald is twenty-uine years old. The Stockbriilge fair is held Octouer fi,7 and 8. - Fowerville will bave a new brick opera house, 40 x88 feet in size. A Spring Arbor man cleared $2,000 on the rise of rye, week before laBt. A well in Clinton was driven down 457 feet, but no water was reached. Work has commenced on the new ■ Congregational parsonage in Dexter. The Dexter base ball team defeated Stockbridge last week by a score of 22 to2. Michael Schenk, of Sylvan township, raised 2,900 bushels of wheat on 100 acres. Sylvan has a new industry. Wm. Hunt, a fishernian,Bupplies Detroit with frogs' legs. The Wahtenaw Baptist Association held a Sunday school institute at Milan yeaterday. The Bosier brothers, of Webster, will harvest 1,000 bushels of applea from their orchard this season. The Glazier-Strong Oil Stove company has received a dynamo and will hereafter do its own nickel plating. R. C. Thayer, of Salem, who graduated from the University last June, has been chosen principal of the Manistee high school. James Blackwood reports 2,000 bushels of oats grown on 40 acres of ground this year. This is fifty bushels per acre. -South Lyon Excelsior. Miss Blanche Travis, a lady from Defiance, Ohio, was thrown out of a carriage.Wednesday night, at Tecumseh and almqst instantly killed. The new evaporator of G. J. Nissly in Saline is now ready for operation. About twenty-five men will be employed during the fruit season. John Knight threshed 3,427 bushels of grain in three days last week, of which 1,127 bushels were wheat. He made eight "sets" during the time. Geo. Pratt will be obliged to vaoate in the near future the house which has given his family shelter for the last 21 years, giving place to Mrs. Henry Warren.- Dexter Leader. Wells Merrill is now reveling in comparative wealth. Eleven years ago last June he applied to UncleSam fora pension, and now he has his reward for waiting and watchingso long. He gets $1,310.17 back pension.- Milan Leader. Dr. Thomas Shaw, of Ypsilanti, has invented a thing called an " invalidlifter," warranted to jerk a consumptiye from a horizontal to a perpendicular in in the moet perfect manner. This invalid-lifter will not interfere with the business of the doctors. Very few of them lift their invalidsanyway. - Adrián Press. Some enterprising person should start a matrimonial bureau in this place. With the names of over sixty widows and several maiden ladies on their booke, a person with a little energy could make a fortune, as the supply is in excess of the demand in this place. - Chelsea Standard. Arthur Hopkins was kicked in the face by a colt last Sunday while leading it to water. His nose was broken between the eyes and he was badly cut around the left eye. It was feared that he would bleed to death before a physician could arrive, but he is now doing as well as can be expected. - Milan Leader. Morris Topping, of Plainfield, was appointed postmaster in 1853, and has held the office since then continuously. He has done stamp licking service under Presidenta Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland and Harrison. No ether post-master in the state can show such a record. - Stockbridge Sun. Tuesday afternoon Tommy McNamara drove his team to Dexter and tied them to a post in front of one of the stores. When it came time to return he could not find the rig. Search was at once commenced for them and they were found Wednesday in some -voods near ïïorth Lake.wherethey had been turned loose. Thursday Jas. Reilly was brought before Justice Bacon as principal and Peter Coffield as accessory in the aflair. - Chelsea Standard. Irving Hamlin bas arrived safely at his home in North Carolina and writes us that they are not living in a furnace as is supposed by many of the northerners. He aleo gives a list of the temperatures taken there during thepresent month, which run from 88 to 97, the hottest day beingMonday, August lOth, and most of our readers will remember the day here as being a scorcher and the mercury finding 100. The hottest day they have eeen this year was in June, when the mercury showed 98. A eool breeze blows there every day from morning 'till night.- Saline Observer. Quite a luimber of gentlemen from yarious parts of the county, interested in tiie Michigan Mining Company, were in town Tuesday. Among them were B. N.Smith and S.R.Crittenden of Pitts■field, A. A. Wood of Lodi, H. W. Bassett of Saline, and W. H. Lay of Ypsilanti town. Mr. Henry Burnsof San Antonio, 5exa, the partner of Mr. A. A. Wood, was in the company. Mr. Burns and Geo. M. Wood are preparing toshi pa load of sheep to Australia, and as they must first go to Kuglaud, it will take about a year to get them upou the market,mui;h time having to be spent in quarantine, both in England and Australia, before the sheep can be offered for sale. - Ypsilantian. Dave Peterson may be a good officer but he is not wide awuke enough for some Milan fdlks. He came down from Ann Arbor Monday, armed with a warrant for the arrest of D. B. Seeley on a charge of embezzlement, forgery or gomething of the kind, preferred by the Allmendinger Piano & Organ Co. of Ann Arbor, in whose employ hehas been for the past two or three years. The officer found Mr. Seeley all right enough, but allowed him to fooi around until they were too late for the tvain. They then talked of getting a livery rig and driv:ng to Ann Arbor, but that plan was abandoned and the officer concluded to accept the hospitality of Mr. Seeley's home for the night and go to Ann Arbor with his priboner on the early train in the morning. During the night, however, Mr. Seeley quietly evacuated the premiees and the
Old News
Ann Arbor Register