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Michigan State News

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Reports to the state board of health by ilf ty-eight obscrvers in different parts of the state for the week ended August 2) indicated that typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonía and erysipelas increased, and inflammation of the kidneys, pleuritis and cerebro-spinal meningitis decreaseq in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at thirty-four places, scarlet fever at forty-four, typhoid fever at thirty-three and measles at eieren places. Split Hla Grande' jughter'a Skull. A. W. Wilcox. aged 70 years, who resided near Waters, split open the head of Mrs. West, liis granddaughter, with an ax and then shot hiraself in the head and near the heart. He was dead and she would die. Mrs. West had been kooping house for him, and it was supposed that he was enraged because she was about to go and liv with her husband, from whom she had been separated for awhile. Convicta Pardoned. Gov. VVinans has pardoned the fol lowing prisoners: Louis Wilson, frona Cass county, serving ten years for manslaughter; James McDonald, of Chippewa county, serving two and a half years for burglary; Samuel Aplin, of Genesee county, serving seventeen years for arson and burglary, and Abraham Nehar, serving a ninety days' sentence for vagrancy. Valnable Coal. The Sebewaing Coal Company's new shaft, recently sunk, shows coal which is pronounced nearly equal to the product of Pennsylvania and Ohiö mines, and possessing fewer of tbe qualities of Illinois coal, which while valuable, is not suited for many parposes. The deposits seem to underlie all the northern portions of Huron and Tuscola counties. r.iu inii to Dcath. The farmhouse of John Deright, in West Cooper, was burned while the family were in Kalamazoo, and John Fleugel, aged 76 years, brother of Mrs. Deright, was burned to death, but the remains were not found. He was sick and unable to leave the bed, and probably set the house on fire by smoking. Loss on house and contents, S1,ÓOÖ. No insurance. An Ageil Mason Dead. Clarancc Pursel, of Schoolcraft, who was the oldest mason in MichiffaOi died the other day at the age o? 93 years. He was born in Northumbefland county, Pa., and became a member of the masonie fraternity when 21 years of age. He used the first money he ever earned to pay the fees necessary to gain admission to the order. Keepa On Sleeping. May White, the Munith girl who sleeps seven months at a stretch, is taking another snooze. Just when the doctors thought they had her strange thalady under control she experienced a complete relapse and feil off into the anns of morpheus. The doctors are in despair êtr.A May - sho keeps right on sleeping. Shrt but HmwtJ Items. Caro's post office was burglarized and several mail pouches were stolen. Tbc 0-year-old daughter of a man named lïarkor was burned to death in a tent at a camp meeting at Linden. The West Hay City coroner's jury has decided that the three young men drowned at Winona beach came to their death by their own carelessness. It is now announced that the claims of Robert Henry Hendershot as being the original "drummer boy of the Rappahannock" have been unquestionably substantiated at Detroit. Aldorman William Davis, of West Bay City, dropped dead while unharnessing a horse. Deacon William Haldane and wifeof Grand Rapids celebrated their sjtieth wedding ■ anniversary with a family reunion attended by four generations. Leroy Skinner has been arrested at Flint charged with eloping with a 16yearold girl from Greenville, where Skinner has a wife and two children. The third annual convention of the pioneers of Xewaygo county was held at Newaygo. Since the last meeting seventeen pioneers have died. During the annual picnic of the children of the Cold water public schools at Tibbcts' park Charles Scott, a boy of 14, was drowned while bathing. Cyrus Sparling, of Mayfield, was arrested at Green Lake by Deputy United States Marshal Brewster on a charge of counterfeiting. C. L. Major A Co. 's store at Vicksburg was burglarized of SIS worth of goods. Entrance was effected by smashing in the front (oor with an ax. Local thieves were raspecMd. The first prize at the upper península firemen's tourney for hose cart racing was won by fohpemlng af ter a dispute in which [ronwood rraa the contestant Thomas FaiitW, a railroail hand at Lansing-, feit so badly oTer losing $16 that he shot himself iatally in the head. The largest lumber sale of the season at M uskegoii was made by Iilodgett & Byrne, the aaiount bcing 22,000,000 fret. DThe factory )' the Worden Kurniturc Company at Grand Rápida uas burned. Loss, $55,000; inaurance, HdOOO. Newaygo county pioneers held their third annual reunión and V. S. Utley rcad biofrraphies of eighteen deceased members of the society. Miley Marks, a 7-year-old boy, was playing in a -grain elevator ut Prattville, and feil into a wheat bin. Before he could be rescued he was buried under the grain and suffocated. Louis K. Knapper, florist at the state agricultural college the last ten years, has resigned to go to Germany and purehase rare p'.ant for an eastern 6yndicate. By tlie overturning of a ro wboat Pearl Scholy, the U-year-old daughter of Charles M. Scholy, of Lansing, and Ida Smith. aged 19 years, daughter of Joseph Smith, a aeUfhboring farmer, were drowned in Pine lake, 9 miles northeasi ' ' .anstng.


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