The Rebels Win
Valparaíso, Aug. 29.- Balmaceda's power in Chili is broken. His army has been crushed aftcr five hours' hard fighting, and is scattered beyond all hope of reorgaiizihtkm. Tlie revolutionists have taken possession of Valparaiso. The future of Chili for the time was settled, and settled conclusively on the hills to the east of this city Friday ty the grim arbitrament of war. With Balmaceda practically a fugitive, without resources in men or money; with the principal seaports of the country in the hands of the congressionalists, and a consequent off of all income from customs receipts; with Presidentelect Vicuña a refugee on board a Germán warship, and the country flocking en masse to the standard of the iavaders, it is a maltor of only a few days when the capital will fall into the hands of the revolutionary leaders. A new government, with possibly Judge Bellsaao Prats, head of the last parliamentary cabinet of Balmaceda, or Manuel José Irrarazewal, head of Conzass' cabinei. at its head, will be formed and things will go along about the same way in Chili as they did before January 7, when hostilities were formally begun. Gen. Canto and his army won Friday's battle by superior generalship, good fighting, assisted by good fortune in the killing of Halmaceda's generáis, and the consequent demoralization of the army and the desertion of entire regiments. Ever since the arrival of the congressional army at Vina del Mar tliere has been a constant series of maneuvers for position on the part of both genera.s. Every day, and nearly every hour of the day, there have been skirmishes, in some instances amounting almost to battles. In nearly all of these the opposition has had the best of it. A close censorship of dispatches was established by Balmaceda, however, and only an ling of the reverses to his arms could be got through. Valparaíso, Aug. 31.- Santiago has been formally surrendered, the triumph of the congressional party is complete, and peace and quiet inay be looked for in Chili before many days have passed. After the crushing defeat which Balmacoda's forces met with at the hands of (Jen. Canto's troops on the hillsback of this city Friciay, and the subsequent entry of the conquerin army into Valparaíso, the fall of tho capital wasonly a question. As soon as thenews reached Santiago Saturday of the overwhelining defeat of the government troops on the heights of Placilla and the fall of Valparaiso and the people knew that liulmaccda's power was gone, and they had nothing to fear from his wrath, their enmity to his government broke forth. The cry was raised that the president should be killed and a mob started for his house. It grew in nurnbers and fury as it went through the streets, and by the time it reached the executive mansion wa.s ripe for any bloody deed. Short shrift would have been allowed the president had he been eaught. He knew that he would have little chance for his hfe if he remained in Santiago, and at the first receipt of the news of his ov'erwhelmlng defeat he hid himself. The bloodthirsty fury of the mob was balked. The desire of the rabble for revenge found vent in the application of the torch. Soon Baltnaceda's house was a mass of ñames. Before it had been destroyed the mob marched off to the house of Senor Goday, the ex-minister of the interior and an ardent Balmacedist,and set it on fire. Then the residences of Balmaceda's mother, Gen. Barbosa, who was killed at the battle of Placilla; Senors McKenna and Eastman, the government newspaper offices and the homes of several newspaper officials were burneel to the ground. Comparativo order has at last been restored in this city. It took drastic measures to do it. Kioters who were eaught in the work were summarily dealt with, and many of them were shot These prompt measures have cooled the ardor of the lawbreakers at last, but rioting was not stopped until property estimated at $1,800,000 had been destroyed. Senor Don Claudia Vicuña, who was elected president to succeed Balmaceda, and who is now a refugee aboard the Germán flag.ship, acknowledges that the defeat of the government is final, and that any further resistance would be simply a useless waste of iorce and destruction of life and property. This seems to be the general opinión amonj the adherents of the government here. Now that fuller details of the fighting cf Friday are at hand it appears that the jealousy and bickering of Balmacf da's generáis was largely responsible for the overwhelrning defeat. They had no concerted plan of action, and the battle was fought on their side with absolutely no regard for tactical advantages. Their men were brave enough, but they were, it is now pretty certain, simply sacrificed. The total number of killed on the government Bide is now given as 700 men, and of the opposition 200. H is impossible to learn the number of wounded.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register