A Oood Reason lor Living. "She Uves to love and loves to live, She loves to live because she Uves to love." Many think it is a sin to be sick; being so, one cannot bestow their aflections on others as the Creator intended; being so, it certainly is a duty to cure yourself. Most women, these days, need an invigorating tonic. Wornout teachers, "shop girls," dressmakers, milliners, and those subject to tiresome labor, have found a boon in Dr, Pierce's Favorito Prescription. It is a soothing aud strengtheningnervine, inducing refreshing sleep, relieves despondency and restores to full use all the appetites and affections of one's nature. It is sold, by druggists, under a guarantee from its makers that it will, in every case, give satisfaction, or price ($1.00) will be promptly refunded. A KngWDinp Threat. We read in the Boston Transcript that "the Democratie movementagainst Mr. Cleveland, which appears to have acquired much strengtb in New York state, is an encouraging omen to Republican success at the next national contest." What do the Mugwump papers mean by such as statement? Do they mean that they will "bolt" the Democratie national ticket if Cleveland is not at the head of it?- Buffalo Commercial. lCAPRSlc= [IVER Wbi I PI LUS. O i I CURE Blek Headache and relievs all the trtmblea tod dent to a bilioua etate of the system. suoh afl Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinose, Diatrosa after eatlng. Pain in the Si Je, &o. While their moet remarcable buccoss has been shown la cudDg SICK Headache, yot Carter' g Littlo Liver Pilla ara equally valuablo in Constipation, cu ring and pra Tenting thisannoyiogcomplaint.whilo thoy alsO correct all disorders of thestomach.atimulatetïxa livor and regúlalo thoboweU EveatftUeyoniy RËAD Aebflthey would be&lmottpriceleesto those vrhQ afer from this distressing complaint; but fort uHately theirgoodness doos notend here.andthoM vhooncetry them will find these littlo pilla valaftble In eo many waya that they will not be wílltDg to do without them. But after all e ie k head ACHE Is the bane of so many llves that here Is whorf emakeourgreatboast. Ourpülscureitwhüa others do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla ara very smal! and very easy to take. One ortwo pilla make adose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, but by their gentle action please all wha uso them. In vi als at 25 cents ; flvaforfl. Sold by draggists eTerywliere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; SMALL PILL. SM ALL DOSE. SM ALL PRICt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS7 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S GOGOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govero the operations of digestión and nutrltion, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our brcakfast tables wlth a delicately fiavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bilis. It is by the judicious use of men anieles of diet that a constltntion may be gradually built up until strong enough to reslst every tendency to dlsease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft keeping ourselves well fortifled with pure blood and a properly nourished fame." Qifü Service Oazette. Made simply with boiling ivater or milk. Sold onlv in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labeled thus. JAMES EPPS A CO., Homceopathic Chemists. Ixmdon England. AHIAPW and Tumors CCRKD ■ no knlf: ■ Illlla W ffbookfref. Dra.(iRATioxT ANouis UNIlUblISo 163 Elro Street. CincionXi, O. ODr. Grosvenor's n ii Bell-cap-sic 04 quirk relief D I A OT P D I Rheumatiam, neoralffia. pleurisyand lumbagoH iffi HAIR BALSAM HA Cleanses and. beautiilcs the hair. b v!HB ' rumokts & ioxuiiant growth. i ■Never Fails to HestorO Gray HWKr&ËiH Hair to jt? Youtnful Color. fc-STjMO-BB Curen scalp disniM's Si hair ialiing. Vfic Parker'B Q-infrer Tonie. It cures the worst Couj Woalc I.ungs, Dcbïlity, Indigestión, Pain, Take in time. 50 ctí. HINDERCORNS. The onlreurecureforComs. Étopi irpaio. 15c at firuggirti, or UISCOX & CO., N. Y. p, JMitchell'sKidney Piasters ' - J Absorb all disea3e ín the]Kidu ( i roetore them to r. healthy condUïon. 01(1 chronic kliincf BuCerc-they got no relief untll thf; 't SUTGHEIX'S KTDNXr PUASTBBS. , "cvrvwhere, oreen tbr mflüforSOO "r AVorkst Iowell, MaéeiII F Vil A U I I Itllw's Frnch 1_ II Hl I Female Pillis are ■m ■■ "■■■■safeandrellable; (ontains Tansey, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Nevetfall. At drng stores, or by mail, securely lealed, In plaln wrapper, for $1.00. I. N. Reed, Agent, Toledo, O. Wholesale by Williams, Shklit k Bbooks. Detroit Mich. MProf. I. HUBERT'S ALVINA CREAM Fcr '.' . jui irvln iïh Complexion. ïïrtnovCB all Frcckles, Tan, Sunburn Pimples, Liver Moles, and other imperfect i on 8. Nut ruw ing, bnt removi g all blemÍBlien. and permanently restoring the complexión to its original fresliness. For aale at yonr Druga;int, or sent poBtpaid on receipt of price- 5()c. Prof. I. HUBERT. TOLEDO. OHIO. A Salesman Wanted to sell Fruit and Ornamental Nunery Stock. Must be active and intelligent. Position permanent. Previous eiperience not necessary. Tact and industry alone required. E. B. It It ' II A KIlO Sc CO.t Kauadesaga Nurserleg, (ENK VA. M. Y. 7i PORTRAITS! IF YOU WANT A POKTBAIT FROM LIFE Free Hand from Photograph, or any Permanent Eulargement, place your order at Colk's Studio. Samples of whose work are to be found in the homes of Mrs. Dunster, M. G. 8. Morris, Prof. A. Winchell, Mr. O. M. MartiD, and many others. Address, COLE'S STUDIO, ' 351 Woodward Ave., Detroit.
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