To Colorado tí Burlington Bonte- Only One Wlght on the Rond. Leave Chicago at 1 p. ii., or St. Louis at 8:25 a, m., and arrive Denver 6:15 p. m. the next day. Through Sleepers, Chair Cars, and Dining Cars. All Railways from the East connect with these trains and with similar trains via Burlington Route to Denver, leaving Chicago at 6:10 p. ii., St. Louis at 8:15 p. m., and Peoría at 3:20 p. m. and 8 p. m. All trains daily Tourist tickets are now on sale, and can be had of ticket agenta of all road and at Burlington Route depots in Chicago, Peoría and St. Louis. There is no better place than Colorado for those seeking rest and pleasure. 78 A Practical Jndge. A case in a justice court in Douglasville, Ga., was settled in a peculiar but satisfactory manner the other day. A merchant who had bought a lot of tobáceo from an Atlanta house resisted payment on the ground that the goods were damaged. The justice presiding chewed some of the tobaccoand decided that ít. was damaged to the amount of thirteen cents on ihe pound and gave judgment accordingly.- Chicago News. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, DEAI.KR IN AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds oí Building Stone! QEMETERY WOF?K .A. SPEOIALTT. Comer Detroit and Catherine te. ANN ARBOR, MICH. DETROIT June 21st, 1891. I. .S1 i AND NOlt I II llt R. R. ÜOING EAST. A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave HOWELL JÜNC. 9 46 4 15 8 15 Arr've SOÜTH LYON.... 10 12 4 50 8 45 " PLYMOÜTH 10 32 5 13 9 07 " DETROIT 11 15 6 05 9 55 GOING WEST. A. M. P. M. F. M. P. M. Leave HOWELL JUNC 8 50 12 43 7 27 6 50 Arr've LANSING 10 00 1 50 8 18 9 30 " GKAND LEDGE. 10 30 2 35 8 40 9 55 LAKE ODESSA.. 11 10 9 15 " GR'ND RAPIDS.. 12 10 10 15 IONIA 11 25 8 45 9 35 ' GREENVILLE ... 12 4 57 10 32 " HOWARD CITY.. 100 5 35 1115 CHICAGO June 21st, 1891. álD WEST MKIII(M.' R'Y. flOING 3OUTH. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS.. 900 115 540 630 Ar've HOLLAND 955 152 626 726 GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 7 05 9 68 " MUSKEGON 11 05 4 15 7 35 10 30 GOINO NOBTH. A. M. P. II P. M Leave GR'ND RAPIDS 7 25 5 25 11 80 A. M. Ar've NEW A YGO 8 52 6 52 103 " WHITE CLOUD 9 15 7 15 1 80 " BIG RAPIDS 10 15 8 10 " BALDWIN 10 20 8 30 2 40 11 LUDINGTON, I P„M' „ _. Tia. F.&P.M. R. R. f 2 9 w " MANISTEE, 1 .,_..., vla.M.&E.R.R.r 12 10 15 " TRAVERSE CITY. 12 35 10 50 6 00 Parlor Cara on ali traíña between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Seats, 25 cents for any distance. Free Chair Car between Grand Rapids and Man - istee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:25 p. m. The " Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Raplds nd all pointa in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, General Passenger Agent. WheelingandLakeErie THE NEW THROUGH LINE BETWEEN TOLEDO AND BOTORSTON, STEtTBENYILLE, MAEJETTA. THROUGH COACHES BETWEEN Toledo & Marietta. THROUGH SLEEPERS BETWEEN PITTSBURGH and CHICAGO, AND DA Y COA CHES BETWEEN TOLEDOand PITTSBURGH, Via Akron. Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Ravenna, Leavittsburg. Warren, NUes, Girard, Youngstewn, New Castle and Allegheny. The ONLY LINE running through "BEAUTIFUL ZOAR." A. G. BLA.IR, JAS. M. HALL, Traffic Manager. Grn, Pass. Agent. WursterandKibn MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and SleiRhs. Repairing of all Kinds Neatlf Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. C3I"V"E TJS A. TBIAL. 31, m, ainl 25 Detroit SIreet, .in Arlxir, Mirh. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. PA.LACK StEAMCRS. LoW RaTE. Voor Trip ver Wt Bstwaea DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoikey, Sult 8te. Marie, and Lak Hurón Way Porta. Xrvry Wöek Day Betwoen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND SpeUl Sundy THpi during June, July, Augtut ad Spt Doublé Daily Xiine Between CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATCD PAMPHLETS Bto and EzouTBlon Tickets wlll be furuinhe by your Tiaket Affcnt, or addraeB E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich.,' Oetroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. . TOLEDO p. AnN ARBpR L AND IZ D NORTH MICHIGAN) lT RAIUWAY. U- wl UISi Howrd Cy. ,. y' yPBAY CITYT f TBAISS I.EAVE ANN ARBOR GOING NOKtH. No. 2, 7:40 A. M Through Malí and Bxpres 4. 12:30 p.h Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom. 6. 5 á p. k Clare Passenger] GOING SODTH. No. 1. 11:30 a. m. .' Clare Toledo Aocom 8. 9:20 P.M Through Mail 5. 7:20 a. x. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom. Central Standard Time. A1I trains dally ezcept Sondar.' W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, Aun Arbot Michigan (Tentml " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going E8t. Going Wet Mail - 4.42 p. m. 9.35 a. m. Day ExpreiS 5.25 p. m. 8.39 a. m, North Shore Limitedt ...... 6.22 p. m. 10.19 a. m. Chicago Expreeet 2.19 p.m. N. Y. & Lim. Ext 9.45 p. m. Night Express" 6.05 a. m. Evening Express 9.18 p.m, Atlantic Expreast 7.45 a. m. Pacific Expressf 10.30 p. a. Grand Rapid Ex 10,19 a. m. 5.52 p. m. - Daily except Sunday. ♦- Daily except Satnrday t Daily. O. W. RUGGLE3 H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. A't. Ann Arbor. UNAXQUAINTEDWITH THE GEOGRAPHÏ OF THtS COUNTRY Wlll 08TV' MUCH VALUA8LE INFORMATION FROM A STUDV OF TWS HAP OF Úi Cticap, Rock Islanfl & Paciíc Rii The Direct Route to aud from Clúcago, Joliet, Ottawfc Peoría, La Salle, Moline, Rock Mand, ia ILLINOIS; Davenport, Muscatine, Ottuinwa, Oskaloosa, De Molnes, Winterset, Audubon, Harían and CoflDd Bluffs, in IOWA ; Minneapolis and St. Paul. in MIXNESOTA; 'Watertown and Sioux Falls, In DAK0IA; Cameron, St. Josepb and Kansas City, in MISSOTJBI; Omaha, Lincoln, Fairburj-and Nelson, in NEBRASKA; Atcbison, Leavenwortb, Horton, Topeta, Hutchinaoifc Wichita, Belleville, Abllepe, Dodge City, Caldwell, i KANSAS : Kingnsher, El Reno and Mineo, in INDIAS TERRITORY : Denver, Colorado Sprlnga and Pueblo, tn COLORADO. Traverses new áreas of rlch farmüí and grazing lands, affordlng the best facililtes of intcommunication to all towns and cities eaat and Vtft, oorthwest and Southwest of Chicago and to Pacific aDÍ trana-oceanic seaports. MAGN1FICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS i Leading all competltors in splendor of efuipmeiifi between CHICAGO and DES MOINES. COüKCtt BLUFFS and OMAHA, and between CHICAQO ISA DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PtTEBLO, W PANSAS CITY and TOPEKA and via ST. JOSETH, First-Class Day Coaches, FREE RECLINING CHAIS CAES, and Palace Sleepers, with Dining Car Servicióse connections at Denver and Colorado Spriogfl iri"1 diverging railway linea, now forming the neff pictureaque ) STANDARD GAUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROVTE Over whlch superbly-equipped traína run dW THRODGH WITHOUT CHANGE to and KinJ! LalceCity, Ogden and San Francisco. THE B0CÏ ÍSLAND is also the Direct and Favorita Line tO J from Manitou, Pike's Peak and all othér U1"''JJ ecenic resortsand cities and muüngdiítrlcteinColOT''' DAILY FAST EXPRESS TRAJUS From St. Jomph and Kansas City to and from all I portant towns, cities and aections in Southern Ne""!; Kansas and the Indian Territory. Alio vi AlS. LEA EOÜTE from Kansas City and Chicago to ■ town, Sioux Falls. MINNEAPOU8 and ST. P connectiong for all polnts north and northwest W the lakes and the Pacific Coast. úí.. For Tickets, Map, Folders, er desired isí""ziu apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the TJnlWl " or Canada, or address 9 E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTlANi Oen'l Manager, Gen'l Tkt. & P b CHIOAQO. ILL.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register