BUSINESS OARDS. ATTENTION ! DO TOC WANT aDything in the line of BANANAS, ORANGES, I'II.S. ( MU ES orall klmls, ICL CREAM, ICE CREA Si BODA. Everything at Wholesale and Retail. IXj. & IF. KOPF, 10 E. lltiron-sl. Our New Store. LADIES' FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. 'ice Children'a Hats and Capa, Ribbons, Feathers and Tips to be sold at a low price. Give US a cali at our New Store, Cor. Fourth and Washington-sts. Respectfully, MRS. A. OTTO. Xrthur j. kitson, Contractor & Builder. ütímates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. Reíiíenck ahd Shop. 1 Qeddes-ave. ; M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN FRESH, SALT1SMOKED MEATS. AND AME IX SEAMX. 22 E. Hukon-St. - Akn Arbor. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Millinery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. Ererybody invlted to Examine Stock. MES. J. I.. JOHNSON, Ho. 23 Si. Müin-M. WHEN IN YPSILANTI STOP AT TÖE Occidental -Hotel. Mineral and Fresh Water Baths. 03-SPJSCIAZ JtATES TO STUDENTS.-Wt Five o'dock Dlnners Sandays. H. E. SHUTTS, Prop'r. r R. WILLIAMS, b". Attorney at Law, Hilan, Mlch. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal ufinefs given prompt attentlon. LEX. W. HAMILTON, A t torne v at Law. WUl practlce In both State and United Statei Conrts. Office Booms, one and two, let flooiof the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fonrtü itreets, Aun Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND STORAGK Now we are ready wlth a New Brick Storehouse (or the etorage of Households, Pianos, Books and Stoyes. Planos and Furniture carefullr moved. All kinds of Heayy and Light draying. FBEIGHT WORK. c. je. a-ozDieiïJY, Sesidence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telepbone 82. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savinga Bank oppoaite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, and all kinds of work In eonnectlon wl tli tbe abore promptly execnted. W Shop Cer. of Church-st and S. University ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. Wall "Paper? OP ALL Latest --DesignsPRICES TBE LOWEST. OSCAR O. SORG, The DecoratorJO S. Mln-8t, ... - AUN ARBOR. -A SPLENDIDRESIDENCE For Sale? We have for sale a splendid BRICK RESIDENCE, in the best part of the %, for SALE AT A BARGAIN. All 'a good repair. Soitableterms of payment may be had Cali upon or address 8. M., ■ SOtf BeGISTEK Ovtur.F, 8ÏSBIY & SSABOIT, HOS. S -A-JCTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ae alwaya on hand a complete Stock oí erorj thfDniu tn BROCERY Lllffll Teas, Coffees and Sugars Ilo5lnLfrticl.bouht for Cash and cansell Teas i. Our 'Pequen l&rge üivoices of aBmeBignthatwegivebargaltUlin QTJALITY AND PRIOE. Jie SY' "OS. 01ÍP cofleii ever7 always JW of bS?1"11 ery nrns out the Tery betj. Bred, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and
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