Arsenic And Ammonia
The slow absorption of many poisons changes in some more or less modified form the complexión, but arsenic and ammonia show their effect about as quickly as any. The popular belief that areenic clears the complexion has led many silly women to kill themselves with t in mail, continued doses. It produces a waxy, ivory-likeappearance of the skin during a certain stage of the poisoning, but its terrible after effects have become too well known to make it of cornmon use as a cosmetic. The effects of ammonia upon the complexion are directly the opposite to that of arsenic. The ñrst symptom of ammonia poisoning wbich appears among those who work in ammonia factories is a discoloration of the skin of the nose and forehead. This gradually extends over the face until the complexion has a stained, blotched and unsightly appearance. With people who take ammonia into their systems in smaller doses, as with their water or food, these striking sytntoms do not appear sosoon. The only effect of the poison that is visible for a time is a general unwholesomeness and sallowness of the complexion. Many peopleareslowly absorbingammonia poison without knowing it. The use of ammonia in the manufactures has greatly increased of late, and it is unquestionably used as an adulterant in certain food preparations. Official aualysis have plaialy showed its use even in such chea[artielesof every day consumption as baking powders. The continued absorption of ammonia in even minute quantities asan adulterant in food is injurious not merely from its effect pon the complexion, but because it destroys the coating of th stomach and causes dyspepsiaand kindred evils. Professor Long, of Chicago, is authority for the statement that, if to fifty million parts of water there is one part of ammonia, the water is dangerous.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register