To The Pnclfle Coast. Go to California via the throuph lines of the Burlington Route, from Chic.igo or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over the new broad au)je, through car lines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Raihvays, via Leadville, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lakt-, - through interesting cities and unsurpassed soenery. Dining cars al! the way. 0 ÏKSJSSöw kt iJiLIJoliREiTRlcltf The Lai-Ecxt, Faatcst and Flncat In the World, Paaiwnger accomodutions unexcelleu. NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW Cibcassia Sept. 10 FüBNKSii 8ept. 19 Ethiopia ' 12 City or Rome... " 24 ANCHORIA " 17 ClRCASSIA " 26 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SEGOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE ratesonlowesttrms to and from the principie SCOTCH, ERCLiai. IRISH AND AU CONTINENTAL POITS. Exrursion Tickets rt-rtuced, made availableto return by eitber the Plcturesque Clyde & North of lreland, or DRAFTS AND IWONEY ORDERS FOR ANY AMOUNT at lowest current ratcs. Apply to any of our local asrpntB, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, III. JAMES R. i: lï. Asent LQOSE'S EXTRACT XCB33 CLOÏER.BUISSOM Female Weakness Sores, Ulcers, Tumorn, iVbscesses, Blood l'olsonüig, Salt Khenm; Catarrh, Kryslpelas, Kheumatlsm and all Hluod and Skin Dlseaset. Pkice $i. per Pint Bottle. or 6 Bottles for f. i Ib can Solid Eura 3 J5a J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. Soid bv aii druggit. AhU iny agenta for W. I . Donglas ShiH's. If nol for sale Ín your place ask your dealer to send for catalogue, secure tlie hkciic)'. and gvt tlieni for yonO WTAKE NOSXJBSTÍTUTBt ja WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTREN TME BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It ís a seamless shoe, with no tacks or war thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, styiish and easy, and because we makt more shoes of this grade than any other manufavturer, it eqsils handscwed shoes costing f rom $4.00 to $5.00. SC 00 ti ii uiue Eland-gewed, thc ñnest calf P?a shoe ever offered for $5.Uü; equals Prench Imported shoes whlch cost f rom $8.00 to $12.00. (&A 00 lliuiil-Sewpil Welt Shoe, ilne calf, J"T atylish, comfortable and durable. The beBt shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custoui-niade shoes costlng frm $6.00 to $9.00. ffiO 50 Pólice Shoe; Farmers, Hailroad Men and Letter Carriers all ilnecalf seamless, smooth Inslde. heavy three soles, extensión edge. üne pair will wear ayear. CO 50 flne calfj no better shoe ever offered at XV &■ this price; one trial wlll conviuce those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO '5 and ."sí'J.OO Workinffinan's shoes IVA are very strong and durable. Those who nave giveu thcm a trial will wear no other make. Dauc' S'.i.OO and Si. 7$ chool shoes are W J 9 worn bythe boyseverywüere; theyBell on thelr merits, as the iucreasing salea show. I oHAC$300 Ilantl-Newed shoe, best kailICO Dongola, verystylish; equals French imported shoes costing f rom $4.w to $6.00. l.adit-N' -..'50, .Ü0 and 81.75 shoe for Miases are the best flne Üougola. Stylish and durable. Canlion. - Sea that W. L. Douglas' nume and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUUI.AS, Brockton, Mass. Waff. REINHARDT de CO. i k 42 S. Mal n St.
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