The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Organized 1869, under the Generai Banking Law of this state Capital, $50,000. Surplus. $100,000. Total kets, $551,135,Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other pereons will find this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at wtaich to make Deposita and do Businss. INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS of $100 and up-wards, aocording to the rules of the bank, and interest compounded eemi-annually. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5,000. SICUBKD BY ÜNINCÜMBEBED REAL ESTÁTE AND OTHER GOOD SKCUK1TIE8. DIREOTORS :- Ohrlstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D. Harriman, William Deuble, Dvid Rinsey, Daniel Hiacoek, W. B. Smith and L. Gruner. OFFIOERS : - Ohrietian Mae President ; W. D. Harriman, Vice President ; O. E. Hiscook, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Artor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, May 4, 1891. RESOURCES. LIABILITIE8. Siïx"SiÏÏduïïiïïïd:::v.: S " . nPaid CASH. DEPOSITS. Duefrom banks in reeerre mft, ,ifl qn Commercial deposits m.&169,786 82 ciUes - I W01.1" w Saviugs depoeits. 4.55.535 90 Due from other banks and I i75 83 Certiflcates of deposit 28.M8 58- 643,871 30 banken I ' - - - Check and cash items 229 80 1827,667 27 NickeUand pemiles 141 53 gTATK 0F Michigan, Cocnty of Washtïnaw, sa, Gold coiii....... - 15,000 00 Sllver " 2,800 00 I, Chas.E.Hiscock, Caehier of theabovenamed ü. S. and Nat. Bank notes... 15,958 00- 137,056 06 Bank, do solemnly swear that the above atate ment 18 trne, to the best of my kncwledge ni 827,567 27 belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Corkect- Attest: ChbisTian Mack, L. Gbdnïb, Wm. D. Harkiman, Directora. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of May. 1891. MICHAEL J. FRITZ, NoUry Public.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register