Robert Hunter
Ann Arbor Engine and Boiler Works. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Corliss Engines, Vertical Automatic Engines and Boilers, Baw-Mlll and Flour Mili Machlnerr, Mili Gearing, Cclumns aDd I Beams, Chinnel Irom, Pulleyl and Shaftlne Tle Poets, Pot Anchora, Orate Bare, Ash Pit Doom, Sash Welghts, Patents and all Undi of Machine' made to order ; aiso Patterns, Grey Iron and Brass Castings of all kinds. Anythlng 11 the iron line mide to order. UEPAIK8 Oi' ill KlimS A. SfLblAZ,Tr. Ag ii tor the Hnber Engine and Tliresher
Old News
Ann Arbor Register