Not All Mines Will Pay For Working
ji au tne nunes in the worlu which yield silver, certainly not more than one ia twenty will pay for tho working, and of those that pay, barely pay. Not moro than one in twenty pay more than fair wages for the labor employed. All this, if the word "mine" be used in ita trae and scientific Bense, meaning a fissure in the rock filled with vein matter, through which silver is diffused. In fact, in the tme sense of the word, silver mines are very ntunerous- it is the bonanzas that are scarce. There are whole mountains in the west literally thickset with crevices, in every one of which there is somO silver; bat few, very few, are tírase which créate sudden wealth. Silver is to be a precióos metal for many a decade to come.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register