![Classified_ad image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18910903-p04-12.jpg)
Waineti. Young man who wisheB to take com plete course in Shorthand and Typevritingand pay his tuition by doing anitor work. Apply at once to the school of Shorthand, 20 south State-st, hird floor. Presto! We clip the following from Presto, one of the leading musical journals of this :ountry: " From many sources Presto earns of the increaeing popularity of he Guild piano, manufactured by the Suild Piano Mfg Co., 101 Bristol street, Joston. Among the representatives of he Guild is Mr. A. Wilsey, Ann Arbor, lich., who recently gave an order for ifty of the instruments. In his adveridement he says: ' The improvements n the Guild are vital. They are in the very heart of the piano. No slipping, or springing tuning pins. None are more honestïy made. There is nothing hoddy about them. People like them, nd buy them. We have never been ble to get enough of them. More of hem sold in Ann Arbor last year than 11 others combined.' Mr. Guild has moved into his new factory premises, which have been enlarged and fitted pith additional machinery and other ácilities." 55tf
Old News
Ann Arbor Register