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The J. T. Jacobs Co.

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I The J. T. Jacobs Company, ■ ;n.s in Fine Ready-Madc Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents '■ Furnishings. ' h%rE LARGEST STOCK r ' HEAToARRTERS LOWEST PRICES ! ; . # ': By actual count we have placed on ! sale 183 Men's Suits to be closed j out at one-third off selling price; I also 76 Boys' Suits and 150 Child' ren's Suits at one-third ofi", suitable ! for school wear. We have a large 1 line of Men's Light Weight Over,: coats, just the thing to be worn up I to December. They can be worn i with comfort more days in the year ' than any other garment. By owning one of the Coats you may be saved an attack of the Grippe. They will be sold at greatly reduced prices till Sept. 15. Such a sale has never been known in this county at this time of the year, but we mean business. ::::::: HEADQl'ARTERS FOR OI.OTHISfíí.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register