Latest County News
F. P. Glazier has gone to Detroit and Cleveland. The evaporators will begin work again soon. C. H. Kempf is spending a few days at Petoskey. J. Bachman has enlarged his evaporator building. Mr. Snyder has concluded to remain in his Chelsea grocery. There lias been a good erop of oat?, wheat, beans and peaches. A number of our citizens are attending the Detroit Esposition. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sawyer have gone to New York state to visit relatives. M. J. Lehman of Ann Arbor, made a business trip to this place lastFriday. F. Baldwin has gone to Hopkinson, Iowa, to teach mathematica in Lenox college. Mrs. F. Stimson has been entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, of Boston, N. ï . Last Saturday, Miss Corp. Lewis left for Cadillac, where she will teach the ensuing year. Prof. C. J. Thorp, of Cold water, was the guest of his oíd schoolmate, J. Taylor, last week. Mrs. Lauer and sonWillie, of Winona, Minn, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Riemenschneider. F. B. Braun, president of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, was in town last week. Wlilliiioro Lake. Miss Ltllian Lumbard is visiting friends at Flint his week. Chas. Field and Chae. Weber took in the exposition at Detroit on Tuesday. Miss Ella McDonald opened her school at Pierson Mills for the fall erm, Monday. Mrs. Rice is visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Starks, of Green Oak. Mr. Wilsey and family broke camp and returned to their home in Ann Arbor, last Friday. Mr. Haines, our skilied blacksmith, has bought a shop at Gregory, and moved with his family to that place. H. L. Davis has been here with his family the past week. They all returned to their home in Bay City on Friday. Will Dickinson and family are spending a couple of weeks with relatives here. Will is keeping hotel in Indiana and is doing flnely. Dr. Arthur Wilson, of Hanover, died and was buried last week Tuesday. He was a Green Oak man. He leaves a wife and five children in very comfortable circumstances. His disease was Bright's disease of the kidneys. Jed Lee and bride, accompanied by their parents, Mr. Giles Lee and lady, passed through town Monday, enroute for their farm in Green Oak. Jed is a Green Oak boy from way back and has a host of friends here who wish him and bride a happy iourney through life.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register