Opera House Notes
The Original New Orleans Uncle Tom's Cabin and Gold Band are to appear at the opera house on Friday. This company is said to be an excellent one, numbering some sixteen artists, headed by the famous Hank Goodman, whose name is a household word from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This company is made up of well known players, among whom may be found Miss Edna Clare and Hank Goodman. The company is augmentad by Middaugh's famous Gold Band and superb orchestra. A feature of the Original New Orleans Uncle Tom's Cabin is the orchestra connected with this organization. Between the acts of the performance this superb orchestra will render some classic and popular selections, descriptive overtures and solos on the Saüphone, Doublé Euphonium, Xylophone, Cornet and Clariorret. The following specialties will be introdueed during the performance of Uncle Tom's Cabin by the Original New Orleans Co. Vocal selections by the celebrated New Orleans Quartet, dancing by the wonderful child artiste, Lizzie Moshier, Mr. C. Alexander, the Prince of Musical Artists. A very funny sketch by the famous comedian, Mr. Hank Goodman, and solos by members of the Grand Operatic Orchestra. Don't fail to see the street parade by Middaugh's famous Gold Band. This band uses the most expensive set of gold Besson instruments manufactured. Messrs. Middaugh, Pfsiff, and Goodman, the proprietors of the Original New Orleans Uncle Tom's Cabin Company.promisetorefund the money toan y one,(onpresentation of coupon at the box office after the show) if they don't give the grandest presentation of the drama ever witnessed in this city, also if the specialtiea and the selections and descriptive overtures by this superb orchestra are not alone worth the price of admission.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register