The Kaliums Snenandonh Valley. In order to accommodate peisne who wish to examine West Virginia, Maryland and the famous Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, arrangements have been made to run excursiqns on September 15th and 20th to points in the Shenandoah Valley, from Chicago, 111., and all points on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad west of the Ohio River, and from Cincinnati and intermedíate points on the Baltimore & Ohio South-Western Railroad andOhio & Mississippi Railway. Rate,one limited fare for the round trip. From Chicago to Winchester, Middletown.Woodstock, Harrisonburg and Staunton, Va., SI 7.25, and from Cincinnati, $12.50. To Lexington, Va., from Chicago, $18.00, and from Cincinnati, $12.50. Tickets will be good for thirty days and to stop off east of Ohio River. Further information may be obtained from O. P. McCarty, G. P. A., B. A O. S. W. R. R., and W. B. Shattuc, G. P. A., O. & M. R'y, Cincinnati, O.; L. S. Allen, A. G. P. A., B. & O. R. R., "The Rookery" Building, Chicago, 111., or any ticket agent of the above-named roads. Those seeking desirable homes should not fail to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to visit tne upper Southern States, which are now attracting the attention of people in all sections of the United States. Publications, maps, etc, will be forwarded free by M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Agent, B. & O. R. R., Baltimore, Md. ■ 72 Tbree Harvest Excursión. The Burlington Route, C. B. & Q. R. R., will run Harvest Excursions, Tuesdays, Aug. 25th and Sept.-15 and 29th, from Chicago, Peoría, Quincy and St. Louis to St. Paul, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Denver, Helena, Salt Lake and all other points in the North West, West and South West. Rates very low; tickets for sale at all company's ticket offices at points on and east of Mississippi River. Many connecting lines will sell through tickets for these excursions. Inquire of local agent for full information, or address P. S. Eustis, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Agt., Chicago. 71. Michigan IHIninir Sclioul A State School of Mining Engineering giving practical instruction in Drawing, Physics, MechanicalandElectrical Engineering, Shop-practice, Chemistry, Assaying, Ore Dressing, Metallurgy, Surveying,Mining,Mineralogy,Petrography Geology, etc. Has summer schools in Surveying, Shop-practice and Field Geology, Laboratories.Shops and Stamp Mili well equipped. Tuition free. For catalogue apply to the Director, Houghton, Michigan. 76 Low Rate Harvest Eviurslous. The Missouri Pacific Bailway and Iron Mountain Route will run a series of low rate, Harvest Excursions to Southwest Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and all points West and Southwest August 25th, September 15th and 29th. Tickets good forthirty days to return, with stop-over privileges for the inspection of land. Further information furnished by any of the company's agents or H. C. Townsend, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo. 72
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