SCROFULA Is that Imimrity of the blood which produces ünsightly lunips or swellings in the neck; which causes running sores on tlie arras, legs, or fcet; which dcvelops ulcers in tha eyes, ears, or nosc, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. It is the most ancient of all dlseases, and very few persons aie jntirely free from it. HBcrCURED By taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla, whleh, !)ƒ the remarkable cures it has accomplished, has proven itself to bo a potent and peculiar medicine f or this disease. If yon suffer from scrofula. tr.y ïlood's Sarsaparilla, " Every spring my wlf e and chlldren hav 6een troubled wlth scrofula, my llttle boy, three years oíd, being a terrible suiferer. Last spring ho was ono raass of sores from head to feet. We all took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all havo been cured of the scrofula. My littlo boy is entirely free from sores, and all Jour of my cliildren look bright and healthy." W. B. Atherton, Fassaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldhyalldruggists. $l;slxfor25. Preparedonlf ly C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apot becarles, Lowell, Haas. 100 Doses One Dollar
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