She's All Right
Ehe ie nol in trt a critlc, nor in grammar anly tip, 8be doesn't know the dlfference 'twixt our planet and the Bun, Sbe knows notbing of utronomy or American autonomy, And cannot teil the difference 'twixt an apothcgm and pun. She is weak in mathem&tics and tbe same in liydrostatics, Knows naugbt of styctography, which now is all tbe rage, Sheis ignoraut of theosophy and a tyro in philosophy And hasn't auy notion how to elévate the stage. She knows nothing of philology or even of coemology. For though she's been to school she neverpassed through any college. Bat her nujsband thinks her splendid, for Bhe keeps his stockings mended And no one can approach her in culinary knowledgc.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register