Chilla and IVvrr. Malaria and Atur. ín regular malarioux localities there is enough of tbe poison called malaria generated to produce in all who are not acclimated regular chilla and fever. Peru-na, in large doses, will break the chills every time. ín other localities there is just enough malarial poison to make many pecpfe feel indescribably bad without producing regular chills. There will be slight, irregular, chillv sensations, witb flashes of heat and cold, clammy perspiration, acbing bones and muscles, bad breath and stomach, periodical headache or neuralgia, nervousness, sleeplessness, stupor and weaknese. For this condition Pe-ru-na is a prompt and positive cure. It rids the system of the poison, builds up the ñagging powers, and bringR back appetite and Bleep. A few weeks' use of tbe anti-malarial remedy produces suoh an entire renovation and rejuvenation of the whole body that the patiënt feels as if he was living in a different world. For a free book on malarial diseases send your address to the Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio. 71 Truth. Great traths are portions of the soul of man. Great souls are portloos of Eteratty ; Kach drop of blood thate'er through true heart ran Wlth lofty message, ran for thee and me; For God's law, tíncc the starry song began , Hatli been, and still forevermore mut be, Thut every deed whlch shall outlaet Tlme'B span Must goad the soul to be erect and free. -James Russell Lowell. For Over Flfty Veirs Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup has been used for children teething. It eoothes the ehild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggiats throughout the world. 0 The Duke of Edinhurg is a good fidd'er. He is also considered the handsomesi man in London, being over six feet in height, muscular in buüd, ruddy complexion and regular features.
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