A Favorite English Breed Of Fowls
Dorkings are favorite English fowls, being recommended by the great beauty of all their varieties and by their unrivaled qualities as tabla birds. In the latter respect it is claimedthat they snrpass every other English breed except the game, for the meat is not only of good quality but is produced in the greatest quantity in the choicest parte- breast, inerrythought and wings. Though a fine sitter and exceptionally good mother, the Dorking is a poor layer. The chickens, also, if hatched early, are very delicate and subject to disease. The usually recognized varieties are the gray or colored, silver gray and white. In the silver gray dorkings the color is imperative. Wright calis the silver grays a chance offshoot from the grays perpetuated by careful breeding. He describes a pure sil ver gray as follows: Cock's breast a pure and perfect black; tail and larger coverts black, with metallic reflections; head, hack, back and saddle feathers pure silvery white; the wing bow also whife, showing up well a sharply marked and brilliaut bar of black across the raiddle. A single white feather in the tail would be fataL Hen's breast, salmón red shading into gray at the thighs; held and neck silvery white, striped with black; back, süver gray; wings also gray, with no shade of red; tail, dark gray, passing into black inside. The general appearance of both birds should be extremely clean and aristocratie, and this rnakes them favorites, especially with women fanciers.
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