HAMILTOÑFsT INSURA2TCE, Real Estáte AXD Loan Agency. No. 2, Hamilton Block, FIRST U.Olllt. Partles dcslrlng to bny or sell Real Estale mi flnd it to their advanUge to eall on me I represent ren First-CIass Fire Insurance Cos. Eates Low, Loases Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. I alio Ireue LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES in the Connectlcut Mutual Life Insurance Co & Ond Hundred Lots in Hamilton Parle Addl tlon forwde. Office Hours- 8 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 5 p. h. A. W. HAMILTOS, ■JTVBETTON'S; XjL piles over Wjg j&f ILhwi oyears. Jjr. Ir 7 WONDERFUUtí i8 HlohesliËSTIMOMAL?. J At DrucxtiU or Malled on VT. liocelpt uf Frico trU WINKELMANN&BROWN jjH Drug Co. rrop. Baltimoro. Md. "H ivurrMLiiit sriaeroaBií! forms of headache. People who have Buffered, sas it is a God'fl bleseing ETfD t0 mankind. Picasant to use. No bad ■ " effecte. Curecertain and quick. For sale by drupeiBtB, or by mail 25 cents WFHEADACHE pENSIONS.0llSf!,f I Lost Discharges Quickly Duplicated. l8YearsEXAMINERU. S. Pension BurèaüT D. I. MURPHY, ñ P. O. Box 534. Washington, D. C. '---'■- -SJilsinKAgenc.v of Kenen M. W. AYER A SON. oor authortzed at-ent ÖOLD MEDAL, PASIS, 1SV&. Ï. Baker & Cos 'Dr63KI3St Gocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure andit is Soluble. No Chemicals are usea m íts preparation. It has more than three times the strength el Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Seld by Crocers evorywhere. W. BAKER & CQ., Oiifchester. Mass. The Best in the World. The "DAVIS." OVER HALF A MILLION IN ÜSB FOS TERMS, ETC., ADDKE8S, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. DAYTOH, O. CHICAGO, ILL. Capaciíy, 400 Machines per Day. NEW 8H0PS OF THE DA VIS SEWINQ BACBIME Ctt AT DATTON. OHIO.
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