The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. ROOD SITUATIONS U FOR MEN. WLS OOd Pnyinff PER.WANEXT PONI IIOSS to a few good men. Exclusive territory Bnt Ilttle knowledge requlred to begin. Houest ind push will make Big Money. IIOOI'KS. KRO. THOMAS, - lïarserymen. West Cbester, Pa AHH BBk"A'AKESIS"irivesinstan ■■n-liijf umi is nn intullible B_ k Cure for l'ilcs. i'riojl. By W W ■ Prugfristsornlilil. Sample Ejl f rrr.Addn-ss" AN A K KSIS,' I ■■ L■ %rIJox 24W, New York City for the 7 I Ow! and f II brand. GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST U win make BETTER BREAD than you havo ever made beforc. POOft BREAD generally meansPOOR ÏEAOT POOR ÏEASTalways meansPOOR BREAl Look for the Owl and Moon. At your Grocer't m THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ TRUTHSFORTHESICK.n "TürTüj3e"d1íátWyIn!007w!!rb?Tñídl Bllious Spellsdepend for a case where III onSüLpnüEBirrEKS phük Bitters will III it will cure you. not assist or cure. It ÍJo yon suffer with nerfailag thattiredandaUgone cleansetheTttiatedlD] fechng; If so. use WoO(1 when you 6C,.I I Sm,PH0K BlTTEBS ; it3 ïmpuriUcs burst-lll cure yon. jn(r through the ekiul II Operativeswhoare in Pimples, BlotchesJ I closely conflned in nd Sores. Rely onU the milis and SüFiIlI?fcBlTiE"?'H shops; clerks.who do nd bea will ioljg not procure sufficient ".----III ciercise.andallwho sTTTmiTRÍTrKRsI we conflned in doors, wm curë LivcJcon?! I Bhould use Sulpuür X nt nont be dïs'l I gSbe weSInü aSCdi ltwlUcurcy If you do not wish F.LI'I,'!!R IiITTEKSlÍ toeuírerfrom líheum. wl'1 bluld 5"ou llP antll I Hsm, use a bottle of make you stroogandl II SBLrnuB Bitters ; ealthy. II itncvcrfailatocure. SULPndl5irrERslJ luu't he without a will make yourbloodpj bottle. Tryit; you pure, richandstrong,ci9 ffill not regret it. and yourflesh bard. T I-iiiiies in delicate Try Mulpiiuk BIT-III uealth, who are all rEits to-night, and III ran down, should use yu will sleep welll I "' ' l i 1 1 i; liriTHüs. mil ferl lietter fi.rit.lll Doj-ou want the best Medical Work published? jm 3 2-ccnt stamp to A. P Oi.dwav & Co„ wMoDj Matjs., and receive a ropy, free. Purity VOUR Blood ITH Hibbard's Herb Extract A WONDERFUL CURE. lÉpfftj Tbis is a true likcMAl ness of me wearing KtiKjsjn artificial nose and ■A. S upper lip afterScroffrSkgBSP "la had coHsumedmy 1 WTKJ noso and upper lip, 'Vi curcd by Hibbard's r"vé Hkhb Extract. Thls 0l JlL. 's nt & patent raeditgjtÉa cine, but a simple m preparation of roots '"o herbs that cured me over 47 stars ago, since when I have cured sands with its use. It requires a fowerful vegetable remedy to effect !ch a cure as my own, and my argu ent has always been that the remey that cured me would cure all p of ScrofulÁ or other Blood and pa Diseases. lts success has been aomenal. Send for list of testinials and printed history of my a!?' or cai' on me any y' or write 4 describe your case. Advice free. I , MRS. J. HrBBARD. tiJiï1 'mitatlonB. Be ore above tradeT 13 on wrapper. .00 at all DruggUt. "'BBARD HERB EXTRACT CO., 807 Canal Sfc, Chicago, HL
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